Tuesday, June 20, 2006


There is a debate going on now in the Senate with competing approaches and various bills regarding whether we should intently pull out of Iraq sooner rather than later (like by the end of the year or not later than the summer, July 2007) or whether we should pull out maybe eventually starting pretty soon and dragging on through 2007, 2008 or whenever under a "phased withdrawal" without a firm deadline or timetable. The Democrats are trying to minimize their differences and become unified, but the fact remains that John Kerry and Russ Feingold have the better proposal.
The very principled, clear thinking John Kerry and Russ Feingold have variously stated that they favor earlier withdrawal or redeployment with a firm timetable and Levine, Hillary and others favor a more gradual withdrawal with no timetable. The new Iraq government wants us to commit to a timetable to get out.
Give me a break people.
We are not "liberating" anyone or freeing the oppressed if they are telling us to get the hell out.
We are footing the bill for Kellog, Brown and Root/Halliburton and oil interests to have private security by the US Army to protect their assets and investments. We are staying to pay- we are in hock to our follicles to the countries who we borrowed from. Where do you think 200 Billion dollars comes from? Its silly money, stupid money- China will own us.
When Bush says that he wants us to be there until they stabilize, while at the same time admitting in his speech that they know they will never totally suppress the insurrection he is telling us he wants us to protect our investments there as long as we can get away with perpetually conning the American people by the hyped scare that this effort is making us safer. I don't feel safer.
The Iraqis are not going to "stand up" if we enable them not to by footing the bill and being there.
The Iraqis are not going to stop an insurrection against an occupier so long as the occupation remains. Bush knows this- he admitted we are not going to see an end to the insurrection.
We are throwing hot oil on the cinders of insurrection and the longer we are there the more they want to blow us off the planet. We have incited exponentially more hatred.
We have achieved the political goals we established. We faciliated elections, a new constitution and a new government. The US military is not going to change the culture, the hearts or the religion of half of the country. We are done. We need to come home.
What we are doing is profoundly mind-bogglingly unjustified and immoral. We are killing, maiming, burning and destroying Iraqi people and ourselves in the process. It is profoundly perverse.

Hillary appeared at the Take Back America conference and was literally catcalled and boo'ed for noting that we face a danger that will not allow us to pull out immediately.
The American people want out- now. They don't want an open ended blood drain. This war is almost as long as WWII and has outlasted the Korean War at this point. This is a stupid ill-conceived misguided war founded on a grand deception of gross philosophic porportion by people who did not and do not have the best interest of the American people as a whole at heart.

I urge you to support John Kerry and Russ Feingold's effort to get this Administration to stop this stupid sham and get our fine military men and women back home or redeploy them out of direct harm.
Please see the below site and contact your Senators on this today.

You are all Great Americans.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am terribly disappointed to see ONLY THIRTEEN vote for sanity!
Is there an effective way for the majority to make their voices heard in the din created by self serving politicians? Take it out to the streets maybe (remember 1968, anyone??)