The Psycho-Drama Continues in Today's Post
(What a way to celebrate MLK Day)
It wasn't going to be long before Donna Brazille chimed in: poor Obama, the "I don't play race victim politics" guy (because my wife can do it for me while I pretend to stand above the fray) is getting excoriated by the big bad Clintons' race baiting. Talk about playing Twist the Tale on the Ass.
Is it now impermissible for a white candidate to mention Martin Luther King or his Birthday without being accused of saying something "ill advised?" Charlie Rangel said it best-Obama was just being plain "STUPID." Presidents sign bills that become law, not Preacher Prophets of Peace. Does that make Preacher Prophets of Peace less in the heavenly realm of angelic virtue? Hell No- It just means they don't have constitutional authority to sign legislation into law. Children, Children, Children- can we please stop with the "who's the greatest suffering saint" and "my granddaddie was more discriminated against than your mamma" horse dung.
If this is the sort of Reconciliation politics that Obama plays, No Thank You. I don't want him brokering Middle East Peace, uniting factions of murderous Iraqis or befriending the Iranians for us. No bloody Thank You.
Reconciliation is another word for confession or what a Priest does in the "Sacrament of Reconciliation" in listening to the heart pouring and gossip of however disturbed the speaker and issuing some absolution coupled with a form of suitable self- reflecting penance. The absolution contains an instrinsic statement of Christ's forgiveness- end of story, sins remembered no more. Obama needs a straight up coming to Jesus to stop spinning gossip, distortion and lying perverse recasting of what was said for his own posturing gain to ingratiate himself to the public. He is acting like a gossip junkie who bends a Priest's ear with such conviction that it has the Priest actually believing and acting on whatever lying garbage the junkie tells him as if she is an FBI informer as opposed to someone begging a buck for a bottle of pills angling for the position of chief Priest's paid confidant. Just Stop It. It's pathetic. The rest of the country needs to just stop listening to the crap. It's hurting everyone.
Here is his penance: Go to Hillary and say - I am sorry I believed the twisting of your words irrationally. I can't live without you. Can I please be your Vice President.
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