Wednesday, February 27, 2008


When Daddies Want their Babies

The abortion debate is typically totally devoid of any reference to how the Dad feels about losing his child when he wants it. Usually one hears of the Dads who pressure or force abortion, tell their girlfriends to "get rid of it" or suggest that they "know what to do with it" or are just totally missing in action. The MIA Dads may or may not even know an abortion took place. How do the men who lose their children feel about abortion?

There is a campaign this lent continuing the "40 days" where people are praying in front of abortion mills misnamed "clinics." Here is an account of one Dad who was with his wife when he was met at the Mill by prayer warriors from this 40 day campaign which I forward for your thoughtful consideration:

When it comes to abortion, fathers have no rights.
There is nothing a child's father can do to legally stop an abortion.
That doesn't mean, however, that God cannot put it on a man's heart to reach out and beg the baby's mother to not go through with it.
The 40 Days for Life team in BAKERSFIELD,CALIFORNIA tells of a young couple who arrived for an abortion who agreed to talk to the sidewalk counselors.
"Don't get me wrong," the young man said, "if we had the money, I'd like to have another kid. But we're struggling right now just to care for our little son. And we had to drive a long way for this abortion, so we need to go in now.""Do you have a picture of your son?" asked one of the counselors. The picture was in their car, so they went back to get it. They talked.
"You have a beautiful little boy, and you're a beautiful couple," the counselor said.
"But you have a beautiful baby brother or sister inside too. "Volunteers filled up the couple's gas tank, and another agreed to help the man find a job. Because they had the opportunity to think it over, they did not go through with the abortion. "That really got to me when you talked about our little boy's brother or sister," said the dad. There are other fathers who need your prayers --even more so, perhaps, than this young man. These fathers are the men who have dropped out of their children's lives. Maria in SAN FERNANDO VALLEY, CALIFORNIA, met awoman at the clinic -- a single mom with two children who is relying on a friend's generosity just to have a place to live. She was pondering abortion because she would need to work and she feels ashamed that she would have less to give to her other children if she continued her pregnancy." We talked for quite a while," said Maria. "She was emotional throughout our conversation, and finally agreed to talk to a counselor about the help they could find for her. She is a woman of faith, and a loving mother and I feel God will lead her to be strong with her decision not to abort. "The father, however, is nowhere to be seen. The parents are no longer together, and he offers no financial support whatsoever for his children. Although this father needs your prayers, there is always hope. "Even on a very dark day like today,"said Maria, "the Lord reaches someone's heart and lets us know that He wanted us to be there for this young woman."

Today's devotional was prepared for you by Carmen Pate, the co-host of the nationally syndicated "Point of View" radio talk show...

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