Constitutional Amendment For the Right to Cut off Your Nose To Spite Your Face.
Come again? Repeat Please. Tomorrow on the Mall will be a Protest Rally and March on Washington for Congress to make a Constitutional Amendment to establish the Right to Cut Off Your Nose To Spite Your Face.
OK. That sounds ridiculous. But not as ridiculous as the Constitutional Right to kill your offspring in utero. Imagine such a Protest Rally. Let's amend the US Constitution so that there is a "Right" to kill your offspring in utero. What does the bill look like ---- "it being universally understood that there is an intrisic right to kill your offspring in utero, after neglecting to "choose" to exercise all reasonable precaution to avoid an unwanted pregnancy, after neglecting to "choose" to not take your clothes off in the presence of a man, after neglecting to "choose" to not engage in intimate behavior with said male, after neglecting to "choose" not to drink half a bottle of red, after neglecting to not "choose" to taxi to his place, after neglecting to "choose" not to answer the phone and neglecting to "choose" to say "no thanks" to the evening, we now find that there is a Constitutional Right to "choose" to bear the natural totally predictable consequences of every previous wrong or bad choice---why?? because women are just too dumb to know better? You are insulting my intelligence.
Get Serious. Why don't they just call the bill the "Constitutional Right to be too drunk to know what I was doing" or the "Constitutional Right to not figure out how not to have sex" or the "Constitutional Right to not be smart enough to figure out how to leave my husband before getting knocked up again" or the "Constitutional Right to have conjugal sex and forget the birth control" or the "Constitutional Right to be as horny and dumb as I want to be." I like this one "The Constitutional Right to actually believe the guy when he said he loves me when followed immediately by the grope for my brastrap."
Because that is what we want to do- create an entire country and culture of really dumb women with the sexual and relational smarts of a labrador.
Oh- and we want to encourage the male sex drive to function without any reality checks. Because the wilder men can behave badly helps society? Sexploitation alleviates aggressive behaviors? Better they are screwing around rampantly than shooting people in the streets?
An abortion "Right" pretty much makes it alternative birth control doesn't it?
No worries- screw around all you want and all you have to do is butcher the woman if she conceives---as many times as you need to.
There used to be a rule in basic tort law that says your right to swing your fist ends at your neighbor's nose-right? The neighbor in this case is living inside your uterus. Swing all you want but don't cut off the life support.
The "my body my business" mantra would make sense, only, the fetus thing is/was actually NOT your body. It's a completely different DNA composition than your body that will have totally different fingerprints than yours. It could have a totally different blood type, and even not be your same gender. The "my body my business" boast would make sense, except it's NOT! It's just not your body. You don't own it, and it isn't "you." You just house it.
The discussion isn't about whether you are entitled to kill an experiment in taking a few of your cells to clone you- it's about whether you have a right to kill something living and growing inside you that IS NOT YOU. It is a completely new different human being that you only half participated in making in the physical dimension. On the spiritual dimension you had no say at all in it's soul attribution. So, no- it's not about "your body your business" its about that OTHER BODY that is growing inside you.
Please people. Really. Seriously. There is no Constitutional Right to have an abortion.
The "privacy" doctrine assumes you are alone! The "privacy" doctrine penumbrally assumed if not overtly found in the Constitution presumes that there is no one else there- the thing sucking its thumb inside your belly is there. You already have a guest with you sleeping close to your heart in bed with you.
If we make up a Constitutional right to an abortion the entire country has landed on the Jerry Springer show. Seriously. There is no Constitutional Right to kill your offspring in utero.
[If we did it to a litter of pre-born puppies it would be felonious animal cruelty- but we can do it to little pre-born people and it's a Constitutional Right? Are you kidding?]
Here's a better idea:
Why don't we get a Presidential website together and list the best "get over" lines.
Women can describe the best pick up lines they have received and the best strategies for nailing them- they can be put into school curriculum to the extent that people are not told by their brothers that males in heat would if allowed have sex with any and everything in a skirt and their couch if the cushions were tight enough.
Then you might start seeing the unwanted pregnancy stats go down.
Couple that with some free higher degrees/education for women/girls and free field trips to anywhere but the inner city and you might find dreams expanding beyond "all that she wants is another baby."
Then put in every McDonalds playland a free ultrasound machine and in every office a lactation room next to the kitchen and the abortion stats would plummet.
We don't need a Constitutional Amendment to create a new "Right" to kill your offspring- we need creative strategies to encourage creation of Life we want to nurture.
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