Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Why the Girls

Are UnGlued.

And Jesus still Saves. Trust Me.

The juxtapositon of the new rules regarding pederasty with the non ordination of women, were it just 'mal adroit' or ineptly poor timing in poor taste, may be excusable on some level. But it isn't because these guys are really too smart for that. They mean it- it is rooted in an intrinsically deep seated discrimination and disdain for womankind. Until it is viewed in its proper context it's meaning is a bit lost- It isn't just that catholics don't have women clergy and the rest of the protestant world does. It's the way it views and values women- or doesn't. It is intrinsically sexist in a way Jesus wasn't.
It is not found in scripture. It is found in part in between the lines and subtextually in the writings of the deeply sexually dysfunctional or oversexed Saint Augustine and the flatly chauvinist Saint Thomas Acquinas. These Saints- named in a generation where women just didn't much matter to the intellectual world had deep flaws regarding their views of women- and their teachings should be revisited in that light.
The 'New Evangelism' is nothing new unless it newly re-evaluates the church in light of who Jesus really is and was and did. The Holy Spirit doesn't oppress, suppress, crush, persecute, disdain, dismiss, disparage or destroy women. That isn't the Holy Spirit doing that-don't fool yourself.

Saint Paul, who didn't walk with Jesus but saw a vision of him said women should be quiet in churches and go ask their husbands when they got home what was going on- this is not because NONE of them had authority to offer anything-even then there were women prophets- but because that particular church in the letter to that particular congregation had disruptive women who were likely jumping up and down interrupting the service with contention. It was a question of order not authority.

It has been used to justify suppression of women for centuries. Women then were also told to cover their heads- and later it is said that women's hair is a covering for their head- so some churches require mantillas and some do not. It would be as absurd to deny someone communion for not wearing a mantilla as it would to excommunicate some woman prophet who spoke in a church.
There simply is no male nor female in Christ. Do you get what that means?

"As regards the individual nature, woman is defective and misbegotten, for the active power of the male seed tends to the production of a perfect likeness in the masculine sex; while the production of a woman comes from defect in the active power. "Saint Thomas Aquinas

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