Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Send the Marshalls

Before you have to send in the Marines

to Florida to stop that alleged "Pastor" from his Koran burning stunt.

Isn't "hate crime" still on the books!?- clearly this is a religiously inspired hate crime, which with foreseeable certainty will result in riotous mayhem and blood shed. If you thought a few Danish cartoons were innocuous-

Stop the bus I want to get off. Christian fundamentalism at it's worse. Did he not read about the Nazis book burning in the 30s?

Even Sean Hannity calls this "unnecessarily provocative."
When Sean Hannity is moved to speak out against whack job pastors who completely misunderstand the nature of Jesus, you know it's getting too whacky for words.

Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, the Senior most Catholic official in the Eastern Coast of the entire US spoke forcefully out against this act, as was reported today, probably because he cares that there are massive numbers of displaced homeless refugee Christians in Iraq, Jordan, and Syria as a result of our wars who will be in serious lethal danger if there is a Christian Koran burning by Americans.

While it was reported today that the Muslims are toning down their EID celebrations in honor of the victims of 9-11, some of whom were Muslims, we have Christian peddlers of the distorted Jesus made in the image of vengeful nut-jobs insisting on their right to desecreate other people's sacred texts.

This so called "pastor" is reckless, irresponsible, and ignorant and should be stopped before the damage is done. He is trying to make a bully bully name for himself like someone running for mayor 'tough on crime' by locking up everyone walking while black.

The New Testament Bible by the way has, taken out of context without commentary, some very potentially offensive verses- such as the one we all heard last week where we were told we had to 'hate' our mothers, sisters, brothers, etc. or we could not be disciples ( hate being translated elsewhere in the spanish as 'prefer' meaning it's an admonition against idolotry or anything taking you away from your love of the Lord or authentic love through the Lord of what you ought to authentically love...), or the verse on "i didn't come to bring peace but a sword...."
Suppose some Muslim took that all out of context without commentary and found it so offensive that they wanted to burn the bible- would that not raise the ire of a few second amendment yahoos? I can just hear the Bum Rush's screed over that one. But some Florida pastor is going to get a pass on burning the Koran in a public stunt?

The Koran has verses about the Virgin Mary, about Jesus, about Moses leading the people from slavery to freedom, about Abraham, whom all Muslims claim as their father in the faith. the Koran is a sacred text of over a billion people in the world. They don't let it touch the floor.

Stop the madness people. Or we are all asking for it. Don't say I didn't tell you so.
Just send in the Marshalls.

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