Saturday, February 26, 2011

Any Way You Say It

Abortion is Murder of a Life - if it's in a Human Woman, it's a Human Life.

What, you thought it was a pet rabbit who bit the dust?
Any way you say it in any language ( Abortion is Murder.
There are few things less empirically clear. So obvious Bart Simpson can say "DUH" or his father "DUOH"

Society at large has an interest in stopping murder- a greater interest than it has stopping shoplifting or aggravated assault. Murder is greater than aggravated assault or purse nabbing.

That should be the foundational principle of the law. The exceptions then have to be rational if there are any. We have exceptions to murder in the law-for things like Self Defense. If someone is cocking the trigger of a gun pointed at your head you get to shoot first and your defense to killing is that you were defending your life. So self defense has to be proportionate. We don't give a self defense to someone for non life threatening reasons. We don't say you get to shoot someone if they cut you off in traffic because you are really P.O'ed. We don't let you shoot someone to get the insurance money. When money is a motive it looks even more heinous.

But in abortion we do let money be the motive to give people a self defense sort of pass.
In fact we give any reason now a self defense sort of pass without calling it that. We say, heck, if you are too stressed to think about changing diapers for the next two years, we will just let you
'off' your offspring - like a mob hit.

There is no wonder that the Republicans are so outraged by the decline in moral fibre in the country that has the smut-traders winning and covering their crimes in sleazy abortion clinics and persecution of lawyers working for DAs offices across the country trying to bring some common sense to the madness we have plummeted ourselves into.

So it is really galling that Democrats make this a signature of any platform or litmus test of any party loyalty. In fact the tired old crowd of women who think this is some sort of constitutional right to off your offspring twist constitutional thinking to a place that no founder would or could have fathomed much less approved of. The thought would have been just too indecent to even discuss then. Obviously no right of privacy exists if you are not alone. It begs its own conclusion in insisting that a woman has a privacy right that legally ignores the existence of a human she is merely housing until viability.

So I agree with Arianna. Time for new fresh thinking and new parties to stir the mix- or have subsets of parties with equal leadership positions. There should be a pro life democratic leader right next to the minority leader.
It is so obviously corruptly driven by 'special' interests in an unholy profit making alliance to give Planned Parenthood federal money of any kind. They put out so much propagandistic disinformation you wonder if Goebels had heirs consulting. They do NOT perform any free women's services like Mammogram. Go into any Planned Parenthood and ask for a Mammogram- they will think you are crazy and send you to your doctor and tell you that is what insurance is for.
Go into any planned parenthood and ask for condoms and they will direct you to the CVS, They are there to kill off your children. It's a deceptive misnomer- UNPLANNED NON PARENTHOOD.
And no taxpayer should have to pay for that nonsense. Kill your own children on your own nickel.
Better yet, spend the money on a nursery and some formula.

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