Saturday, December 31, 2011

Where Are All The

Aborted Fetus Cemetaries?

We have had about 50 Million abortions in America since Roe v. Wade. So where are all the little buried fetuses? Where are their gravestone markers? You would even bury a dead pet and there are pet cemetaries, but where are the Fetus Cemetaries? What's that? You say there are none? Why is that? Because there is a market for the discarded 'afterbirth' of unbirthed placenta and fetal parts- they are valuable for their stem cells, and there is a billion dollar pharma research stem cell industry of companies who are raking in hundreds of millions in venture capital to create new pharmaceuticals out of this research. It is an industry. It is largely under the radar and unregulated at the research level. No ban on stem cell research means the market is all the more thriving. And who benefits? Abortion mills. Planned Parenthood.

In Maryland late term abortion doctors were arrested for murder this week. Because it is. It
is blood money.

This is why people like Michele Bachman are very agitated at ObamaCare having for the first time in it under the radar benefits for Planned Parenthood in any form of federal subsidy for abortions. I saw the most disturbing ad recently wherein abortion was called "abortioncare."
There is nothing 'caring' about Abortion.

The choice is to have Sex or Not. The mass societal delusion that says it is a constitutional right to have sex without natural consequences is demonic- and it has taken over party platforms.
It is a woman's right to choose- to have sex or not. When you have another human you have been given physical guardianship over, it becomes an issue that its fellow citizens have a say about.
If the Democratic Party wasn't totally hijacked by the abortion on demand mentality the Republicans would be getting a lot less play now. This is inciting the base against the ObamaCare that looks like slight of hand scammery to benefit the abortion industry- and yes, it is an industry. That industry promotes wild promiscuity and death- for obscene profit.

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