On the Other Hand ---
Today's S.Ct.arguments might come down to the swing Kennedy vote.
Why is the lambasted Rush Limbaugh of the Court Scalia perhaps not off his leather backed
rocker on this issue?
The bible actually DOES have a lot to say about homosexuality. It doesn't just say it in the old testament- Sure, we should love everybody, but that does not mean any behavior is loveable- even if someone thinks its in their internal make up. Right?
They may THINK that, and I may THINK I need a half a bottle of wine a day to keep me lucid. There is nothing medically provable that I need half a bottle of red to make me lucid and in fact i have gone for long stretches without it (I say hypothetically) but love it when I drink it.
Someone might love getting drunk- does that mean we have to view all drunken behaviors as constitutionally protected as sobriety?
Intellectual honesty-lets get real people.
I am not a prude or a moralist. But lets be intellectually at least honest with the argument.
In light of the 'religious values' objectors to the gay marriage equality argument some have argued WRONGLY that the bible doesn't actually speak to it or that Christ did not anywhere condemn it and that old Levitican old testament references to homosexuality should be put somewhere in the archives with equal weight to don't eat bacon cheeseburgers. That is wrong.
The NEW Testamant (unfortunately for the equality argument) has STRONG admonitions against it as a perverse behavior. So the question is ARE ALL BEHAVIORS TREATED EQUALLY under the Constitution?= CLICK Here FOR WHAT THE BIBLE REALLY SAYS ABOUT HOMOSEXUALITY http://www.alphanewsdaily.com/Warning%207%20Homosexuality.html
And things that also didn't need spelling out in bold caps and underlined were admonitions to not poke your wife in the eye, not punch your mother in law in the gut, not ritually wash your hands in the latrine and not eat with your mouth full of excrement. Because each of those things would have been so culturally unheard of, so totally unacceptable that they didn't merit mention. Neither did homosexuality -- except one huge strong "DON'T YOU DARE" in both the New and Old Testaments.
So people who take the words of Bible as truth, which is not just fundamentalists, but pretty much main stream everything Christian, have to ponder- why is there a Constitutional Right to any Behavior I
think I am predisposed to engage in.
Kennedy is worried about a 'Cliff." The other conservatives are worried about crashing meteoric hell fires and brimstones.
Expect a decision sometime this July or mid summer.
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