Saturday, April 13, 2013

Lets Not Discriminate

Against Speedohaulics Who Run Red Lights Because they were born that way and can't help themselves. Whenever they see a red light they have to run through it. Get them around a convertible they go 130 MPH. Its a condition in their right pedal foot called lead footedness. They insist they were born that way. Lets not discriminate against shoplifters. That is a condition also. Kleptomania. They were born coveting cheap lipstick. Lets not discriminate against people who never met a Big Mac they didn't like and are so fat they take up two airplane seats by not making them buy two airplane seats. They were born with a condition called Adiposesya. Gayness that wants to marry gayness is a behavior and all behaviors are not created equal. Intrinsic within its insistence as a right is a moral judgment that it is right. When Justice Kagan says she gets nervous when moral arguments are made she really means she gets nervous when moral arguments she disagrees with are made. She apparently disagrees with 1st Corinthians 6:9- the other "69" Nothing about declaring a white man can marry a black women creating all races equal under the law compels creating all behaviors equal as a constitutional right. Having anal or oral sex is not a RACE. That is why I do not believe it constitutionally correct to mandate gay marriage be legalized which is another word for the whole country has to recognize as right and legitimate what more than half the country finds morally depraved.

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