Monday, August 05, 2013

Who Am I To Judge

Who Are You To Judge

  If you missed it the huge news was that the Pope has said, look, you are not the judge. If the Pope isn't the Judge, implicitly you aren't either.

  It was a bit of a gut punch to those self righteous anti-gay marriage people who condemn loudly and viciously people they disagreed with as heretics.

   It was also a complete foil to any alleged 'gay lobby' within the vatican because the pope just slipped the rug from out under any alleged gay lobby. If he doesn't think its so aweful being gay then no one can bribe him to be quiet about it. He isn't going to kick you out. Come out, come out wherever you are- God still loves you.

   You can't extort someone over a secret if its not a secret any more. "They are our brothers" he said. Sure, we have gays in the clergy. As if anyone didn't know. Who else is more likely to be attracted to a lifestyle in which you are required to live in community with all men?

   It was also a bit of a relief to those of us who knew from a legal perspective the arguments forwarded by those fighting gay marriage in various lobbying and court battles was a huge waste of money, not because there wasn't an argument but because the way it was being lodged was moronic, hateful and full of the same old spit and vinegar that the religious right is famous for, directed by the most spitting vinegarish anti-lovely bunch you never want to meet. Everyone should ask for their money back.

    It was a huge sigh of relief for those who have gay friends- who were treated with the same level of ignorance by those who called people championing civil rights in ages past as 'N-lovers.' Mere association with gay friends got you slurred and slandered like you 'must be' gay too. Get thee to confession immediately.


And shall we start on all your sins? Peddling slander and gossip lately? That is one that gets explicit mention of what locks you out of the kingdom of God. It causes a murder of sorts on a soul because it seeks to destroy a reputation and a livelihood. Slander and its twin sister Gossip is the devil in prada- it comes disguised as well meaning nice church ladies who have no other avenue for power than posturing in petty vindictiveness in church circles seeking to advance politically by maligning others and relishing in every attempt to put down someone. Gossip, much? You are a murderer then- out to kill a reputation and a livelihood. There will be gay people in  heaven before you ever get there.


The measure you mete out will be the measure you get. You act haughtily and imperiously and condemingly what do you think Jesus is going to do to you? You want power? You want to be the bmoc-big man on campus? you want to show the world you can control people with acts of cruelty and 'discipline'- guess what Jesus is going to do to you. You want to condemn people by trashing their reputations, trashing their livelihoods, trashing their ability to engage the world meaningfully because of the slander and gossip you peddle as truth- guess what Jesus is going to do to you.

Time to take an accounting of your methods.  Now go wash your heart out with soap and water.

DO NOT JUDGE. Man looks on the outward appearance and God looks on the heart.



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