Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Petrine Paradoxes

Today's Politico takes note that John Kerry and Nancy Pelosi will be attending the Papal Mass at National's Stadium. They will be taking communion. "All of you" apparently means "All of you" in the Mass when the Priest quotes Jesus as stating "take, eat, this is my body..."
Ironic it seems in that this very issue largely derailed the Kerry Presidential candidacy by making his potential excommunion something catholics squirmed at as they were all but mandated to vote against him for his pro-choice views. Will there be a show down tomorrow or will Kerry and Pelosi be publically "faced" by the Bishops dropping the eucharist in the bowls in front of them with a cursory "Next!" I for one will be watching--from a safe distance on a church basement big-screen.

Then there is that pesky business of the Pope refusing any Priest his own natural children. Any woman in love with any Priest can count her discarded eggs- pretty much one a month, as she sheds more blood monthly than any Priest will likely see in a lifetime unless they volunteer for the Red Cross suffering the sins of "celibacy." That innocent life shed- discarded as if it were nothing- when it possibly was intended by God to be half of something called a zygote. How isn't that against the Pro-Life mandate. Petrine Paradoxes. Perhaps there is a log the size of Yosemite in the Papal Pupil.

The Pope indicated on the ride over that he was "ashamed" at the sex scandal and will not allow pedofiles in the church. Gee. Good. No more pedofiles. It's such a foul word I don't even want to know how to spell it. Glad we cleared that up. When Martin Luther went to Rome, he saw such debauchery and depravity he reported back to his humble peasant Germany that the place was "Babylon." Naked boys bopping out of cakes, orgies and priestly lovers abounded. Not a few out-of-wedlock children were hidden or aborted also. We are more sophistocated these days. A little more subtle. Five Hundred years and 2 Billion dollars later.....

Priests get emotionally intimate with people-have you noticed? Have you noticed that about 20,000 of them left the priesthood because they married and found the celibacy rule inconsistent with their following Christ discipleship path? Some recklessly play hearts with a betrayal worthy of Judas in self-deception that this is actually virtue. And the heresy that any monogamous devoted marital intimacy with women is an anathema to "purity" and "holiness" persists with such arrogant vengeance that you can get kicked out of the Dominican House for questioning it. Revenge of the Albigensians.
I digress.

What I hope that the Pope tries to communicate is that Jesus, author of all Life, one in being with the Father who is pure Love, came that we should all have LIFE and have it abundantly. He came that we all should have LIFE, lots of it-abundantly. Life, Life and more Life. Twins even. Quadruplets. And he came to bring his Kingdom to Earth as it is in Heaven. So while we gaze heavenward, lets not ignore the one standing right in front of you. And the LIFE that is in Christ Jesus is not a narrow political agenda. It speaks equally to murder in insane unjustified war. Reasonable people cannot differ on the deception that propagated this war and the evil that has ensued. Only reasonable people can differ with evil people.

Heaven and Earth are full of your Glory- earth too. If only we let it in.

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