Monday, June 01, 2009

Universal Public Health Care Option.

For Everyone Under 65 NOW.

Howard Dean teamed up with Bob Borsage and Wade Henderson, Chair of the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights today and others at the Progressive Campaign for America conference and argued forcefully why we need the Public Health Care option now.
The distort and scare PR "Harry and Louise" insurance waged opposition cannot work now.
Whether the Republicans get behind it or not bi-partisanly (they didn't support either Social Security or Medicaid either) the country wants the Public Health Care Option. The Time is NOW.
No, argued Dean, a medical doctor who obtained health care for all children of Vermont when he was its Governor, this will not eliminate private insurance. In every European country where they have a public option, notably England where there is a strong public health care system, private insurance is also available. No, it won't mean that you can't pick your doctors. No, it won't mean anyone will force you to travel miles and states away to get what you need. Everyone over 65 now has a public health care option available to them. Now, us kids want it too.
The costs of health care are responsible for half the bankruptcies in this country. The costs prevent effective preventative care and result in higher mortality and higher disease rates. The costs for small businesses can put them out of business. Over 50 Percent of all workers fear loss of job with attendant loss of health care. This is an issue that affects the economy profoundly and it is one deeply felt at home.

This is a profound civil rights issue, argued Wade Henderson.
Poor pre-natal care and poor childhood care results in children who are less likely to be able to succeed at school, less likely to be able to excel to get into excellent colleges. Poor health care of children in turn requires single parents to take time off work to tend to chronic illness, and disadvantages a population in completely avoidable ways. Wade Henderson is a fan of coalition politics and this issue has generated universal support across the board. It is time to get it done now. The American public will be able to see through the Fear and Smear politics to get something fundamental done that they have -across the board- wanted for a century. Health Care is a fundamental Civil Right- it should not depend on your job status- it should not depend on how your employer wants to classify you or cut corners. It should depend on nothing more than the fact that you are living in America and in America we take care of people and make them well.
No one should have to travel to Canada to try to get into their health care.
The legislative action on this will occur before August. So -this is important- please call your Congressperson, and your Senator and/or drop them a post-card to tell them how much it matters to you that we finally get the Public Insurance Option.
Your kids- yet born and unborn- will thank you.

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