Thursday, December 10, 2009

Hormone Therapy

To Combat Whatever Is In the Water.

Last night on Rachael Maddow there was a testy interview between Rachael, a self-professed Gay person in active sexual relationship with another woman, and a guy whose last name is COHEN who believes Gay-ness is reversible or recoverable. He was gay, and now is the proud married (to a woman) father of three kids. He describes his gay experience as "unwanted." In other words, it was a reaction of his autonomous bodily impulses and arousals that he didn't like or invite and didn't want to stay that way. He had a sense of being "off."
If you speak to gay people, they often tell you the same thing- they don't have a choice- they just get automatically aroused by the same gender. It's not something they choose or invite- it's an auto-reaction of their physique. In Cohen's case it was something he overcame. Now he is aroused appropriately by his wife. The debate was testy because the fact that some people "come out" of gayness or turn straight (and that there are huge ministries touting success in this regard), has the Ugandans believing, after being prodded by evangelical American Christians who are part of "The Family" movement, that they should have zero tolerance for gayness, which prompted them to author a bill actually authorizing death to gays- just kill them all. Cohen was horrified his logic resulted in death sentences. The zero tolerance actually advocated and preached by leaders of "The Family" was for those who knew that they had AIDS after homosexual liaisons then transmitting it to unwitting wives who then contracted the deadly disease.

Here's my theory- who knows what causes this gayness-or whether it is the same cause in every case. That is rather beside the point because acting out any impulses is within every one's control. My suspicion is that hormones could play some part in some people's auto-reactions. If hormone therapy is used in transgender people to
facilitate growth of breasts for example in men turning them more effeminate, and grows hair on the chest of women given progesterone, this suggests that possibly appropriate hormonal treatment be used to balance out people in a healthy way back to their gender's healthiest hormonal balance. Everyone has male and female hormones and fluctuating quantities of both. God, you recall made them male and female and they both originally occupied the one person called "Adam" until Eve was extracted from his rib. After women undergo menopause they undergo a hormonal adjustment and sometimes take synthetic hormones to regain the balance. These natural life cycles can be disrupted chemically.
So my question is what would Rachael look like if she were given a heavy dose of natural oestrogen reorientation. Would she start sporting long curls and look furtively at men? Would she get excited to be around men or still long for the embrace of her girlfriend? Can aggressive hormone therapy readjust sexual orientation?

If that is the case and if the statistics are true that gayness or physical response and arousal is something that can be and is reoriented in large statistical amounts, then classifying things like Gay Rights under the Civil Rights rubric is really misplaced. There is no civil right or constitutional right to be "off" your gender. If it is a state of slightly unhealthiness, we don't need to label it sin to debunk it of civil rights status for equal protection purposes. It needs then just "treatment" of a psycho-social emotional hormonal dimension.

Just a theory- don't shoot the messenger. And don't knock it Rachael till you tried it.

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