Saturday, February 27, 2010

Reflections and Rejections

Lent- Get Real Already Time

In parishes and retreat centers across the country this Saturday marks the "Lenten Day of Recollection."
Lent is that time for taking account- and rejecting anything outside God's will for your life path toward Him. The Sacrament of Penance is supposed to clarify what the path is for you.
Catholic churches practice this "confessional" "penance" sacrament- which is basically spilling your guts to a priest, who is sometimes a stranger, who has the authority (according to the church) to forgive your sins if you confess them and say an "act of contrition"-meaning read some rote thing on the wall that says you are sorry- with feeling now.

This practice confounds protestants for the most part who believe that "confess your sins one to another" basically means to the person you wronged- fess up and make amends.
Say you are sorry. Whine to your mother if you need to-but make it right with the person you did in. In Catholic churches you can get the absolution without even telling the person you wronged you are sorry-if they even know. Perhaps having to tell the wronged person first before a priest absolves you might somehow diffuse the priest's authority to forgive in secret I suppose whether the -ewed over person forgives you or not. This always annoys me when I know that people who run around hurting others regularly who regularly sit in the confessional box get absolution when they do nothing to make amends with the people they run around hurting.

Because I am a Smart-A** or a Wise-A** depending on whom you talk to, here is what I would like to say in a confessional instead of the usual "forgive me father for I have sinned, it's been x days since I last sat in this box."

Confessor: Come In, the Light's On.
Penitent: Hi- why is this contraption rigged so the light actually goes out when I kneel down?
Confessor: Don't worry about it- what is troubling you today
Penitent: What should be troubling me? What have you heard?
Confessor: Why don't you just tell me why you are here
Penitent: You told me to come -it's lent.
Confessor: Tell me your sins
Penitent: What do you think my sins are? Have you been listening to rumors or do you have actual knowledge I sinned- do you have
my office phone bugged? Is this box bugged? I haven't told you any yet have I? Do you believe perjury? Do you believe jealous old church ladies who are trying to drive me crazy? Do you believe that psycho homeless chick who naps in the pews? Did you call my mother? What sins do you think I have?
Confessor: Do you want to start with the sin of snarkiness and pride?
Penitent: Do you think I should start with that? Is that a sin or a disposition? and What's the difference?

I could go on but you get the point. So if I don't grace your confessional box this lenten season consider yourself blessed!! I am still praying for you.

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