Monday, January 10, 2011


The Fall Guy

In the biblical allegory of Eve and Adam, it is Eve who is tempted and she has Adam take a bite of the forbidden fruit. Wasn't Adam also then responsible for eating of the tree of good and evil? Eve has historically been viewed as the temptress rather than the reporter of what the snake told her and the forbidden fruit of temptation all too easily construed as her being a sexual seductress. The knowledge of good and evil is something rather different meaning a loss of innocent trust in the creator. Adam could have said with the authority of the male of the house- go tell that devil we don't eat the fruit from that tree and she may have throw it in the snakes face. Here historically the male church lets Adam take no responsibility for eating the fruit. It's all her fault. And it has been ever since.

This twisted interpretation is but one expression of what has become of the women demeaning misogyny of the catholic world, and Neanderthal Christian world in some parts.
It has inspired violence against women. It has inspired sexism deeply in corners and rooftops. It has castrated its clergy for fear it gets too close to womankind, it has quashed the voice of the Holy Spirit through women preachers, it has killed off potential progeny in the biggest prophylactic more effective than condoms- just lock up all threatening women for something or other who threaten the order. They are not good enough to consecrate a Eucharist, they are not good enough to preach, they are not good enough to marry any preacher. According to Doctrine-and if you disagree and try to do anything otherwise, apparently you are worse than a child rapist. SICK SICK SICK SICK SICK.

You blame 'feminazi liberals' --you want to criminalize only women in abortion criminal statutes (as if they got pregnant by themselves!) you blame women for all the abortions as if men didn't coerce them or insist upon them to avoid two decades of child support after fraudulently professing commitment then committing violence against their vows.

Now some nutjob assassin inspired by our overly militant culture that glorifies war has attempted to murder and nearly fatally did, a Jewish congresswoman and killed a sitting Federal Judge in the process and several other people including a child.

If you don't think your doctrine is insanely evil I don't have any words for you any more.
You are in for a rude awakening when your time comes.

If they are good enough to be the Mother of God- they are good enough to be anything. Preacher or President.

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