Saturday, October 31, 2009

Anglicans Wishing To Enter the Catholic Church

Will No Longer Be Anglican.

You don't say? You almost fooled me.
A clarification on the new rules follows:

Contrary to speculation that the delay in finalizing the rules has anything to do with the "celibacy norm" it's really about getting the Latin translations right.

So just to reiterate what was earlier stated on this blog- The new Anglican-Catholic merger
isn't exactly a 'hostile take-over' but there is one big poison pill in it. No Anglican joining who is currently single and wishes to enter a seminary may ever have his own family.
Do you fully grasp this?
Here's the rub- do you actually hate women priests and gay people more than you would love to have a wife and your own kids if you are an aspiring priest? If you are a layperson, do you hate gay people and women priests more so much you wish all your priests be people who don't care about having their own families or would give up the hope for a family for the priesthood. Do you want going forward all your priests in the next generation to be celibates and have you not figured out what types of persons that will likely attract to the priesthood? (No offense to the many fine RC priests I love- but the rule does create issues.)

When the rules finally come down- I expect lots of new conservative Anglican parishes forming that don't want to jump on this train. I believe people appreciate that the wives of Anglican priests are not window dressing or decoration- they are part of the spiritual direction in a deep and serious way-and that is in God's plan.

The balance and choice might just be what keeps them honest.

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