Saturday, January 01, 2011


One Way To Paradise

There may be a few heavens-in who knows, layers? atmospheric dimensions? past the stars and asteroids?
There is biblical reference to seventh heavens. There is a reference to someone going up into the Third Heaven, etc...

But the one nearest God is where he hangs out with his his only son. You would expect as much wouldn't you? That's one where you want to end up.

Perhaps the lower ones recycle you back here to deal with the situations you left quite a mess-
perhaps you are recycled back here in soul to make amends with someone you screwed who doesn't know it's you. Perhaps you don't even know its you.

When John the Baptist came back he might not have known himself to be Elijiah.

But if you wish to get to the place where God hangs out with his Son, there is only one way to get there. The Son lets you in. He opens the door. He gives you your comp ticket to get in.
He is real, he is alive, he exists in the part of heaven closest to God as "one in being with the Father" and he has ability to communicate with earthlings through wireless prayer.

There is verse after verse after verse about those who call upon the name of the Lord will be saved, anyone who believes Jesus was/is the son of God and that God raised him from the dead will be saved. Jesus himself told people that "go, your faith has saved you." Faith in what? In him. Google it, search a biblical concordance, do some research. There is reference after reference to the deep significance of Jesus in terms of where you as soul will go once it leaves earth.

He is the Messiah. Let me repeat it. He is the Messiah.

Now, sometimes one might think that all those verses you just looked up replaced Mary for Jesus. Unless you call on the name of Mary you will be saved, unless you believe and confess with your mouth that Mary is Lord you will be saved.

This is, and I cannot say it strongly enough, pure HERESY. False Doctrine. Off its rocker false. Mary was a hu-woman, a mortal like everyone else, although quite unique and special, and served as the surrogate mother to Jesus of God. Because she was immaculately conceived and herself gave virginal birth and went to heaven assumed fully in body like Elijah, there is a temptation to believe that she is divine like the son she bore as though divinity was genetic in the sense we know it. She would be greatly dismayed at the thought. She exists to present her son as Lord. She exists to point one to her son. She is there in the heavens no doubt with him, and has his ear. But she is not Divine.

Anyone who confesses with their mouth (because Words have creative force and become things and situations by their proclamation) that Jesus is Lord, and God raised him from the dead, and does his commandments will be saved. Now you know why Mary said- Do whatever he tells you to. She didn't say "Do as I say" now did she?

Once the Catholic hierarchy, particularly that house of near apostates of Dominicans gets that straight, we will be much much closer to understanding why God has allowed the Protestant World to exist without being wiped out by the powerful forces of Catholicism which stop at nothing to persecute dissent to death.

Mary, Mother of God, is blessed among women, blessed is the fruit of her womb JESUS. She is not The Lord.

Only Jesus can give you your comp. ticket into that heaven. You can't ride in on Mary's apron.

Because Jesus is Lord, and anyone who calls on his name will be saved, and believes God raised him from the dead and does his commandments will be saved, and confesses with their mouth believing Jesus is Lord will be saved, the part of the body of Christ that isn't as nice to their mother is still going to be saved.
She may give them a bit of a scolding once they get home, but they know where their home is. Because ALL his sheep know his voice and follow Him.

Now what do you think you can learn by talking to Reformastant clergy?

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