Sunday, April 10, 2011

Congressional Investigation

Into Sacred Cows. If I went to Congress and all over the media and said, please give me 350 Million dollars because what I and my organization are doing is national building, building infrastructure and bridges and hospitals, and it turned out that really what i was doing was nothing of the kind. I was really a secret Blackwater sort of assassin outfit killing off large segments of the poorer population in countries where we operated- would that warrant a Congressional investigation into FRAUD? That is basically what Planned Parenthood is doing in so many words. They are not in the cancer prevention business, they are not treating breast cancer (it has been argued to the contrary that multiple abortions so disrupt hormone cycles mid pregnancy that it can create favorable conditions for breast cancer to develop), they do not perform mammograms. What do they do? They extract from live human tissue growing fetuses in women's wombs and they kill them off and toss them in the dumpster. They kill off growing life inside a womb. And for that they want 350 Mil. of taxpayer money- and are getting rich off their deals with the devil. So why isn't Congress investigating this massive Fraud? Because Congress appears too bought and sold by the industry that funnels through symathizers (like Nazi sympathizers) contributions back through various pro-choice orgs into campaigns. Mostly All Democratic ones. They are not nation building, they are population mass destroyers. They recently settled a Medicaid fraud case, they have been sued in California for massive billing bilking fraud. There is clearly enough for a congressional investigation in light of bold misrepresentations made by their President (who clearly should know that they do not offer mammograms and went all over the press touting their 'family planning/mamogram' non-existent program. It's fraud people. And you are paying for it.

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