Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Her Royal Blondeness

Laureal or Clairol- such hard choices

Men's fascination with the Marilyn Monroe blondes have more fun model of feminine mystique has always amused me. I was born a strawberry sort of blondish red-head which went darker with age and climate and then a white gray with age. For years I fought it ferociously with bad hair dye which sometimes turns an auburn head downright purple. I gave the blue-haired ladies a good name by becoming the violet-head. Then I just decided to go with it- hey, I'm 50- I earned all my gray hair! But it made me look too old and all my friends kept telling me so. So in order to shut them up I started experiamenting with blonde dyes that toned down the shocking white grays. So while I lampooned the air headed blondes in my youth it seems now I have accidentally become one. But I still have all the old feelings of superiority and disdain for ditzy air headed blondes which throws me into inner turmoil when I see someone like Calista Gingrich whose hair looks spray painted on at $300. a pop at a stylist salon for the overprocessed carefully blended mix of Camille and Vanilla colorings. I want to take a blow dryer to her head and shake it up and toss in a few brown highlights so she doesn't look like Papal Barbie. So that's my campaign advice- a few shots on a wind blown boat wouldn't hurt.
And if Michele streaks a blonde highlight in her coif I will be downright fit to be dyed.

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