Tuesday, May 03, 2011

How much do you think

Jesus Loved His Friends?

I just find this part of Easter amazing. Here is where Jesus, who as a Jew is forbidden to engage in any humiliation of any kind, is given the most humiliating public punishment- public flogging to death and hung on a cross (all who hang on a tree are acursed) in front of everyone next to a few real criminals. Like he is a criminal. With his utterly despondent mother watching.
Can you imagine.
Then he is dead and buried. Everyone flees- scared for their life if they had anything to do with him because they are after you too. Three days later, the day after Sabbath, he is alive, walking the planet with his wounds. He is the walking wounded. No he is the walking dead and dead no more. Not just wounded, Dead, Buried, annointed with burial oils, then Hello! Walking around in the garden alive as you or I are alive.
Then he perchance finds his friends who are running scared for their lives hiding out. Behind locked doors. He finds them- he seeks them out. What- you think a locked door is going to stop him from being with his friends? No, he is just there- doesn't need to pound the door down-hey guys it's me, let me in! He just is there.
And they can hardly believe it.
Plus he cooks up some breakfast by the lake while the guys are out catching fish. What do you do if the guy you followed is dead? Back to business, because what else are you going to do. So much for that revolution.
Who wants some fish fellas? Huh? Who is that?
Can you imagine?
How much do you think Jesus loves his friends.

God so loved the world that he gave his only son so that whosoever believes in him will have eternal life.
How? You need to ask a priest how- I could explain it but probably wrong. Eternal life- because earth isn't the end game. How much does Jesus love his friends? Be a Friend and find out. You are only here about a hundred years or so. Where are you going after that?

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