Monday, May 09, 2011

Son of God

Son of Man-Jesus, Inc.

I recently heard a Catholic Bishop describe how when he asked a group of people to describe what "son of man" meant they were totally stumped and could not. But this is how Jesus is also termed scripturally.
Jesus as the Divine "Son of God" gives people less trouble conceptually. He is the etherial one, at the right hand of the father some place we call 'heaven', coming to judge the living and the dead. So what does "Son of Man" mean and how do these intersect?
Well, even the devil can quote scripture we learned (from Jesus who had the devil throw scripture at him during his greatest temptation in the desert) so we have to be careful we understand and interpret it rightly. Wrong application can be downright diabolic.

The same bishop in a homily indicated that Jesus' death and resurrection means for us something like in dying to his humanity Jesus brought us the Holy Spirit, so inferentially in dying to one's humanity the Spirit comes in its holiest form. Lets all now imitate Christ in this fashion.

The danger to a misinterpretation here is obvious. So why shouldn't we all just wish to die as humans? Or- why shouldn't the most human parts of us die? The church has used this sort of justification to compel for example mortification of all sexuality in clergy- with disasterous consequences in an unholy fashion. It serves a corporate model- not Christ. This is also the same sort of perverse reasoning that has people drinking the kool-aid in cults.

God is most powerful Creator at his core. Creator of heaven and earth. He has put in his image that power into man in his sexuality. To mortify all sexuality is to pervert and subvert that part of God that God put into man to express and manifest his Creative power to bring his nature to earth in cooperation with him. The church in thusly redefining Son of Man or not understanding it's significance has subverted the Will of God for the Enterprise.

Jesus is and was both Human and God. That is who he is. Spirit and Flesh merged. And ascended in bodily form.
That is why procreation is Holy. Sexuality is God's vehicle for Creation obviously. Desire in this realm is thus desire to see God's nature and face more clearly and nearly -so what is called "temptation" is not in every desire. Flesh wars with the Spirit only when it is not subjugated to the Love that the Spirit gives to compel and direct and order sexuality rightly. Sexuality is how Love acts in commitment. This is all "juste et bon" as the French say. Because God is a "Holy Family" not just a solo act.

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