Thursday, November 10, 2011

And the Second Runner Up

Gingrich has more character than Cain who attacks his accusers with the lame-they are troubled and had litigation over similar stuff in the past. So what- doesn't mean he didn't do it.
Predators go for precisely people who are 'troubled' financially- it is a weakness they know they can exploit. Cain is the archetypical harasser. No serious person can now disagree.

Gingrich at least had a conversion. He admits he was a cad. And he sure was. But he made amends and has stayed with the same woman for a time longer than a lot of marriages. He openly admits his faults. He takes blame. He comes off as just more integrous that way. He should however be faulted for his disdain for people not buying christmas presents on layaway at Tiffanys. He is too pretentious for his background and as well coiffed as he and his wife are he still looks like the gray haired version of Danny DeVito. Green tea and yogurt might help shed about 50 pounds he looks like he needs to loose.

I just feel sorry for Perry who is an intellectual lightweight whose platform was cut and pasted from the Petroleum Institutes policy playbook- like we need the oil and gas industry running Washington again.

Huntsman gets points for noting that you can start a trade war if you start leveling tarrifs against the Chinese (duh) and Romney gets points for at least tackling the issue of IP thievery at the WTO or WIPO level- because not enough now is being done about it obviously.

Nothing much memorable about anyone else unfortunately. I think I will take a walk in
the GE park, which is where?? Gingrich also has a hard time telling the difference between Sexual Assault and 'gossip' which makes him downright dangerous on top of arrogantly dumb while trying to be the smartest guy in the room. It's just disturbing all around that there is only one woman contender- and allegations of sexual harassment seem to be taken seriously only by the one news questioner. Very disturbing all around.

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