Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Pennsylvania Peanut Gallery

Lucky for Everyone Joe Paterno got fired.

That, and the subsequent 2,000 college kid riot that followed totally eclipsed most coverage and after-show debate debriefing.
2,000 college kids didn't read the grand jury indictment. Nor do they know how the law works on issues of negligent supervision and culpability for known criminal acts of subordinates. Then they might have agreed with Penn State's Board. Because otherwise their tuitions might have to triple to cover the settlements.
The debate booers who shouted down lovely Maria on her question regarding Cain on how can the country hire someone of such suspect character looked like riotious Penn State kids all grown up. Totally clueless regarding legal liability issues surrounding sexual harassment. Newt came back and attacked her as a financial reporter saying its sad the financial press doesn't report on how the economy works- an intended direct hit on the only woman questioner. He smugly, arrogantly, patronizingly chided her on the fact that no reporter has asked any Occupy person who pays for the park they are sleeping in if corporations don't make profits (as if anyone wants corporations not to make profits.) Aside from the absurdity of the premise- because corporations don't pay what individuals do (GE is reported to have paid nothing ) Parks are paid for by governments. The spot the occupy crowd has tented in across from the DC Catholic Information Center familiar to Gingrich is a DC City park partially paid for by a private-public park consortium of DC money, Federal Money and private enterprise in DC. There is a Federal Park Service, which anyone running for President should know about.
Cain, who looks like a cartoon character taking a condescending approach about his accusers neglected to mention the two contemporaneous affidavits and other people who have witnesssed him in the presence of the person he claims he never met. His third party bloviating narcisistic references to himself look scripted out of the "Danny Crain" annals of Boston Legal-which if you recall, is a comic satire-just like Cain's Presidency. Perry's Senior Melt-Down moment should be the introduction to an add for Ginsing memory enhancers. Check for early Altzheimers.

Romney will be the Nominee. His Veep? Anyone's guess and anyone of those knuckleheads will cause him to loose.

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