Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Republican "Purity"

War for the sake of War-and the Billions of Defense Contractor bucks-lots of which are now in Dubai.

According to one of my favorite talking heads Keith Olberman (MSNBC), the RNC has now tried to push a loyalty test, called a "purity test" (like the corrupt bunch of war profiteer terrorist fabricators collectively have the first clue about spiritual "purity"-gag me with a maggott)- and in it is a ten point litmus test they call the "Reagan test" that Reagan himself would fail. One of the litmus tests for Republican purity is that one must "support all troop surges"- In other words- regardless of whether military solutions are feasible, intelligible, calculably winnable, or productive for any other reason than lining the pockets of the defense contractors, war profiteers, and everyone feeding off them in their Bethesda and Potomac estates feeling "pure", we must all support the million dollar a soldier troop increases- because it is the basis of our War economy. This is because we are too moronic to figure out how to make that kind of money on any other sector-and haven't invested in the infrastructure development or greening technologies and other innovations that would create another basis for the economy than perpetual mindless fabricated pretextual wars to serve industry.

Unocal and it's Board, (Condi and Rumsfeld included) apparently all agreed that a pipeline in a place like Pennsylvania isn't as cost-effective as in a country with an ineffective if not non-existent federal government throughout the country and an under-developed highly corrupt legal system. In Pennsylvania we sue people for environmental disasters and contamination and have advanced labor laws and codes not to mention powerful Unions, that makes doing business there and opening pipelines there potentially expensive. We have advanced labor laws/codes, not to mention powerful Unions. something here called "class action lawsuits" which makes opening pipelines and factories in places with under-developed legal systems -or those in our pocket- more appealing. Hence, if we can get the US military to pay for security in these regions, with the blood of Americans that have nothing whatsoever to do with reaping any direct profit off it- and convince AIPAC and others in the Jewish lobby that it is in the security interest of Israel for us to go to war in these places- we can get everyone who had any sensitivity to the Hollocaust, like Richard Pearl and other Neocons, to believe that our Agenda also serves their interests. (Richard Pearl by the way it is reported backtracked on his support of the Iraq war.) -Yes, Iran may be an actual existential threat- but that doesn't justify our war efforts in Afghanistan or Iraq, which some argue exacerbated the situation and just gave the jihadist fundamentalists a better recruiting tool- because we are over there slaughtering civilians by the hundreds of thousands and that is inciting the insurgencies.

Unocal has since merged with CHEVRON- and on its board sits Sam Nunn as well as an officer/director of Northrup Grumman now.

So to be a good and 'pure' Republican- one must "support all troop surges" it appears-In other words, one must be a person of War- mindless War, War for the sake of War. Because
it's too expensive to do business properly in America.

I believe it's time for a new Party Agenda, new Party leadership, new Party innovation, and new Party direction- or the Republican Brand will be viewed as full of crap as CHARMIN.

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