Friday, January 22, 2010

How Furiously Mad is the Devil

That Jesus Was Ever Born.

Jesus, that Jew from Nazareth, is the Savior of all humankind who get it. How Pissed Off is the Devil he was ever born?

Please forgive the vernacular here- but I am going to use the term "Pissed off" and hope it doesn't earn me a sanction for incivility- because I think it expresses best what I am trying to say here.

The Devil, through King Herod at the time that Jesus was rumored to be born, sought to kill off all the male children under the age of 2. Just kill them off- all of them under the age of 2 in the entire town he was rumored to be born in to kill off this so called "King of the Jews"-who was a "first-born". First Borns in Jewish life have significance- they are pledged to the "Lord" and there is a procedure to present them to the Lord as a first fruit of the womb, then redeem them.

It didn't work. The devil lost. Jesus was born- and the rest, as they say, was history.
Jesus defeated the devil, he defeated death itself, he saved a people and secured their eternal life in heaven with God- a place the devil was cast out of and will never again see.

So how furiously pissed off is the devil that Jesus was ever born? Thoughout history, ever since, he has been trying to seek his revenge-
and now, by the cultural perversities and twisted justifications of cultural idolotries he is seeking to convince the world that it is OK- fine and normal to just kill off your pre-born children yourself-with a medical "procedure" in a "clinic", like they are nothing more than pesky moles to be removed or lazering a wart. It's just a "procedure"- Your children- inside you- chemically bombed then torturously dismembered and extracted. Who needs Herod's henchmen?

If the devil can't get a ruler to just send in the military and wipe out a town, he can do it a much more pernicious yet effective way- he can convince you that it's normal for you to do it to yourself- for the entire country to be allowed to do it to themselves- to wipe out a country sized population-with medical approval- and paid for "doctors" , federal legislation saying the government will even pay for it. Herod isn't sending out his henchmen, because that didn't work. Instead, the government will pay for you to kill off your children yourself. Because the devil has so distorted your thinking.

First the devil had to make us bedlam crazy mad-and then convince us it was normal.
Half of all abortions are done on First Borns to women before college graduation age- under the age of 25. Half. Teen-agers and college girls who are unprepared for a pregnancy. The devil is still slaughtering the first-borns- and still wiping out towns, villages, cities and countries of people before they are even born.

So that is why something that looked like close to a half a million people marched on Washington today.

"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind"

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