Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A Must See Movie

For All Parties, In All Countries.

The Nine Days That Changed The World is an education. It's brilliant and moving. You should watch it- Democrats, Republicans, CoAlition Government, Labour or Conservatives alike. Everyone.

What many consider the greatest man in the 20th Century, John Paul II, is probably the significantly most powerful force that undermined communism in the Western World including Poland and Central Europe. How did he do that and more importantly, why should we care now some twenty years after Solidarity moved communism out of Poland.

Whatever you think of Newt Gingrich or his beautiful telegenic wife Calista, this movie is a classic sure to be mandatory viewing in all political science classes from Yale to Berkeley.
(I don't get paid to say this, I got to preview it for free at the Catholic Information Center.)

The movie is a testament to the power of Christ in this world to liberate entire societies, entire countries. It is a testament to the power of individuals in solidarity to make unbelievable change and throw off oppression. It is the power of Truth to dislodge evil and the victory of Love over humiliation and evil.

The movie explores the relation of JPII with the Jewish Community in Poland from his youth and his efforts to rid the world of Anti-Semitism and all totalitarianisms. It really is a brilliant documentary (Gingrich is after all a History Professor among other things) and includes eye witness testimony of the Pope's activities in Poland, testimony from Priests, Theologians, Ambassadors to the Holy See and others.

Why is religion important? Why is it real?
Why should we make sure that the State protects Freedom of Religion?
Why ask these questions?

This movie helps you understand what Secularization is and what it's dangers can be- without being 'preachy' or dogmatic.
Just see it. You'll thank me.

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