Monday, February 20, 2012

These things

Don't go well together.

At the same Mass at the Cathedral there was yet a third in Mass or en Mass pitch for the Cardinal's appeal coupled with a mention of the bulletin insert Cardinal's letter on why the Cardinal does not want to cover any employees who wish or need birth control. This is not an effective fundraising point for lots of single women. It just tends to drive home that no women get to have the degrees from seminaries that allow them salaries like priests with benefits and so you are paying for men who don't want women to have things they might find essential. Like medicines to prevent uterine cancer while prostate cancer would probably get the funding necessary if found on a priest. The common popular opinion on this birth control issue (in which no attempt has been made to separate the abortofascients from the argument when birth control reduces abortions) is expressed by this skit- amusing.

Next time I recommend the pitch for the Cardinal's appeal not have stamped on it- 'none of this money will go to birth control for any of our employees whether they need or want it or not.' This
issue is highly controversial and the freedom of religion argument a constitutional one that will be decided by the courts. It is not a gimme. The balancing that goes on always happens when the administration has a right and obligation to protect the entire citizenry from known health hazards regardless of their religion. Whether the method is constitutional in employer mandates will be decided by the courts.

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