Saturday, March 03, 2012

Thank You

Jack DeGoia
The President of Georgetown comes to the defense of law student Ms. Fluke and "Georgetown Women."
Dear Rush
Thank you for the offer of buying as much aspirin as I need. I will take you up on that.
I won't however put it between my legs because it will be hard to walk to court or Mass that way.
I will however pop one every time I hear your voice or read of it reported anywhere because you give me a headache. Ignorance does that to me. I can't believe you are allowed to be on the airwaves. In fact every word you utter gives me a headache and you are quite verbose so I will need quite a lot of aspirin. Please send a box of pill bottles of baby Bayer to me, Cynthia, care of Jack DeGoia at Georgetown. I will share with all the other Georgetown women who get headaches when listening to you.
Lets say that every Georgetown woman takes you up on that. That would be an offer and acceptance which makes a contract (plus a few other elements like 'consideration' but lets leave that aside now). I learned that at Georgetown law school. So you owe me now a box of aspirin which costs what? Lets say conservatively about $50. a box depending on how many pill bottles fit into a box. Lets say all Georgetown women out there number (hypothetically until we get the records) 10,000 women alive with Georgetown degrees (you didn't specify law did you). So that means you owe georgetown women now about half a million dollars should we decide to bring a class action to enforce your contract. I offer to be the lead plaintiff. You did say as much as we wanted, right? For a lifetime? So double that. You now owe Georgetown women a million dollars. Where do you live so I can tell the process servers? Or do you prefer to be served while verbally flatulating on the bloviating air?

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