And Abortion
You have to really be intentionally ostriching your head in the sand to not appreciate the connections between poverty and abortion. It is just not intellectually honest to ignore the connections. The Planned Parenthood website proclaims that one in three American women by the time they are 45 have had at least one abortion and we know some have had several. That is a shocking statistic. If women are about half the population or around 150 Mil, a third of that is what? Shocking statistic. This also explains why people are so emotional about it- if a third of the women have had them, how many men do you think encouraged them? Will all those please raise your hand.
They also indicate that an overwhelmingly large portion of that is women in their 20s- who by virtue of age don't have established careers, likely have little or no education, or advanced post high school education or are trying to pursue it and believe a pregnancy would interrupt it, and who have no financial safety back up net sufficient to support a child in their minds in all probability. The fact that young women who believe they are incapable or ill prepared financially to have and raise a child (alone often) is a huge motivating feature of abortions. The statistics tell us that and anecdotal evidence strongly supports it. It stands to reason that If your boyfriend dumped you and left you for dead with the Family court child support payment chase your only recourse, you are more likely to consider terminating a pregnancy than someone on a trust fund whose income stream and education isn't threatened by a pregnancy.
That is why issues about women's educational advancement and poverty are so intricately tied to reducing abortions that they have to be policy concerns. That is also why anyone who champions just dumping the entire Department of Education sounds off his rocker to most people.
Planned Parenthood is all too ready to convince a girl at $350-$700 a 'procedure' that they have an easy way out of their 'problem.' Planned Parenthood
uses psychologically coercive techniques that advance their bottom line- and anyone who had experience in their management and left disgusted will tell you that. It is a corporate strategy involving numbers crunching.
Not only do we have to make the social structures conduscive to women wanting to have their children by taking away the sort of despiration that makes them vulnerable to that sort of manipulative persuasion, but we have to really stop what amounts to deceptive trade practices of Planned Parenthood- which is really planned Non Parenthood.
That is why we need to (a) de-incentivize any corporate structure from committing abortions that would unduly influence someone for their own profit under the guise of 'health care' and (b) decouple the entire contraception debate and offer it free elsewhere.
Planned Parenthood's deceptions expand into their definitions- when they say "emergency contraception" they actually mean an abortofascient morning after pill or Plan B. I suppose Plan A should have been wait until the ring and someone says "you may now kiss the bride." Morning after pills are not classically 'contraceptive' because they operate to stop a fertilized embryo from implanting in the uterine wall sometimes- and that is an after the fact chemical abortion.
But regular contraceptions, like condoms, and women's contraceptions should be made available as a public health precaution- and the argument should be decoupled from the anti abortion debate. They logically net each other out in some respects.
The Catholic Information Center this evening at 6:00 pm is hosting a panel discussion on the HHS Mandate and the Catholic church's objections which should be lively. All are welcome. You may get kicked out if you say something extreme but all are welcome I imagine. Hopefully no video cameras in the place to out heretics.
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