Monday, September 01, 2008

News Alert: JESUS is most definately NOT a Republican

When Church and State Mix Martinis

Of all the things going on in the world, Aids making millions of orphans, a Katrina sized Gustav storm stalking and swooping down again on Louisiana, Mortgage foreclosures thowing people on the street, jobs moving to Lahore, a health care system that bankrupts a good many people and 47 million uninsured Americans, threatened bank failures in the hundreds, wars in Iraq (on totally fraudulent pretexts making us fools and pariahs to the rest of the world), Afghanistan and Putin's blasting of Georgia making another few thousand refugees while Bush schmoozes with Putin at the Olympics, the front page of my church bulletin yesterday morning was about-you guessed it- bashing Pelosi on the abortion issue and urging everyone to vote for life. How friggin stupid are we. How sold out are you? DEFINATELY TIME TO FIND ANOTHER CHURCH. I think I'll try a synagogue this time- at least they have half a brain about what is or is not helpful to Middle East Peace.

Seriously, How Stupid Do You Think We Are?

This, coming from a pulpit where the men wear dresses and none of them marry- women at least-they all live with a bunch of guys in de facto same sex unions-because that's "God's Will"- or at least a very safe prestigious place to hide if you are gay, emotionally crippled by your overbearing oedipal mother or otherwise disinterested in the opposite sex or the actual responsibilities of caring for a family of your own. They play with and baptize other people's children and deny any woman the ability to have theirs- because that's apparently "God's will."

Was it "God's will" to execute in cold blood over a million Iraqis who never invited us in their country and never asked us to invade them while our alcoholic President carried on an affair with the Secretary of State off and on for years? Was it "God's will" to lie to a nation to pump them up to kill over a million Iraqis on the deceptive misbelief that they had anything to do with 9-11 when that could never in a million years have happened without either the duplicity or the sleeping-at-the-switch of the US government at the highest level a la false flag attack under the perverse misjustification that it was helping Israel at all when it served better Mobil Oil executives than the 4,000 dead young Americans? Was that "God's will?"

Who in their right mind would listen to them lecture women on abortion?
It's like taking lessons from a wheelchairbound quadraplegic on the finer points of skiing.
(my apologies to the one in five actually gifted celibates under the age of 50 wearing a roman collar and everyone older than 50 who has lost the drive anyway)

Who in their right mind would take seriously what a bunch of guys (all men) pledged to "poverty" yet raising 8-10 million dollars for a prestigious center of learning in prime DC land [ ] endowed with a trust fund that would make a Vanderbilt blush while posing as earstwhile followers of a "mendicant" shoeless friar when they lecture women on their reproductive health? They are the very definition of Non-Reproduction. What if they gave 8-10 Million dollars to pregnant women- how many babies would they save? How many diapers have they changed?
You are HYPOCRITES worthy of more berating than Jeremiah's wrath. How many African Aids orphans will be living in that 8-10 million Dominican House center of learning? I would sooner listen to Angelina Jolie on anything to do with parenting or "pro-life" issues- because she actually practices what she preaches-and like Saint Francis-does it without words. You are HYPOCRITES.

Note to Priests: You want to talk about the proper definition of marriage and "Family Values?" How about actually having one. You want to talk "pro-life?" Try creating some. Otherwise your authenticity and moral authority to lecture women on this point is about as convincing as a used car salesman praising a twenty year old transmission.

You want to talk about getting "honest" on abortion?- Saint Thomas Aquinas -the revered almost idolized founder of "Tomistic thought" at the root of much of Catholic education in this country did indeed find that human life only began after an "ensoulement" because to be human is to have a soul. This played well into and followed the Greek Aristotilian notion of "animation" from his work De Anima, in which there was perceived to be a defining human animation movement at some gestational phase.
Acquinas pegged the "ensoulement" at different gestational dates for female and male fetoesus- the later date for females because he believed females to be watered down males conceived with diluted sperm. (as expressed in his Summa Theologica) -This notion of some "quickening" of humanization occuring during the gestational early period was the predominant thinking even in the Church well into the 17th century. In 1869 Pope Pius IX declared that ensoulement occurs at conception. [So my church bulletin that declared that abortion was never legal at any stage or any point in history in the church's view is misinformed to say the least.]

The Apostolic Constitutions (circa 380 CE) allowed abortion if it was done early enough in pregnancy. But it condemned abortion if the fetus was of human shape. "Thou shalt not slay the child by causing abortion, nor kill that which is begotten. For everything that is shaped, and has received a soul from God, if slain, it shall be avenged, as being unjustly destroyed." 7:3:15 This document claimed to have been written by the apostles. However, it was actually written late in the 4th century CE at about the time that Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire and serious oppression of Paganism started.Priests for Life quote this passage on their web site, but delete the words after "begotten" and before "If" -- thus reversing the meaning of the passage. 12

St. Augustine (354-430 CE) reversed centuries of Christian teaching in Western Europe, by returning to the Aristotelian Pagan concept of "delayed ensoulment." He wrote 7 that a human soul cannot live in an unformed body. Thus, early in pregnancy, an abortion is not murder because no soul is destroyed (or, more accurately, only a vegetable or animal soul is terminated). He wrote extensively on sexual matters, teaching that the original sin of Adam and Eve are passed to each successive generation through the pleasure generated during sexual intercourse. This passed into the church's canon law. Only abortion of a more fully developed "fetus animatus" (animated fetus) was punished as murder.

St. Jerome (circa 340 - 420) wrote in a letter to Aglasia:
"The seed gradually takes shape in the uterus, and it [abortion] does not count as killing until the individual elements have acquired their external appearance and their limbs" 8

So you have a theology which is at its root founded on the sexist misinformation that females are intrinsically lesser males- as opposed to the biblical truth that God created them- male and female in his image and there is NO BETTER HELPMATE than a woman for a man. You have an entire church spitting in God's face telling him-no-we think only men are best qualified to help men in church hierarchy.

When the Church starts rewriting history to force a political agenda there is a word for that: Facism. And when priests start rewriting it and redefining Jesus to benefit their personal power or prestigue there is a word for that : FRAUD.

So, as it is apparently above the pay-grade of your local priest to get the historical understanding correct, "Above My Pay-Grade" is a pretty fair answer for Obama given that he never said he had a degree in Theology and isn't running for chief bottle-washer at the Vatican.

You are Foul FOUL HYPOCRITES so lukewarm in your diluted understanding of the Love of God I spew you out of my mouth and shake the dust off my feet.

The biggest republican party loyalist lobbyist sat in the front row-and they write big checks.

So we should vote for a third rate beauty "Queen" from a fifth rate college to be no. 2 -and the actual leader of the free world if- God Forbid- McCain takes a bullet or drops of a heart attack at age 72-76 (after his sketchy medical history which includes raking his body with torture in his 20s, skin cancer and other ills).

This third rate beauty Queen, by the way, doesn't appear to be a very nice person. See, you tube:

She certainly is no Rhodes Scholar from the University of Idaho. And changing five kid's diapers and thinking international travel is a bus trip to Baja doesn't make one astute in international diplomacy. It makes one expert on the cost of pampers.


If you vote for that over a couple of Harvard Law graduates with Princeton and Columbia also on their resumes, over a guy who has been in the Senate, and actually lived overseas, I'm not afraid to say it-because I am white- you are an idiot racist and deserve what you get.

[This message was not approved by Barach Obama because he wouldn't in a million years call anyone an idiot racist- but I call a spade a spade. ]

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