Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Note to Obama: How Families Deal With Teenagers IS A TOPIC OF OUR POLITICS

And It's Nuts to Say Otherwise--- with all due respect.

Palin was chosen specifically because of her strong "Pro-Life" views which include an Abstinence platform. The Republican party pays surrogates to tout the Abstinence
Virtue value, blog about it, lecture about it, and condemn the character or anyone who disagrees.
They have viciously vilely condemned anyone who is soft on the 'no pre-marital sex before marriage' ethic.

Teen-pregnancy prevention programs get federal funding attention, are developed in most major mega-churches across the country, and are something that most thinking people know is a necessary peg in the abortion prevention dialogue.

Consequently, the way that a woman on the Republican ticket as the Vice President educates her children on the value of 'no pre-marital sex until marriage' or not, or is successful in her own family or not with the teaching, is certainly fair comment on her character. Because of that it is not a purely personal issue. It's a character issue. It's a character issue that she thinks it is no big deal and that she takes no responsibility for it.

The bible holds that a Deacon may not even become a Deacon unless he or she has their family in order. The Vice Presidency is a function more serious and powerful than holding a church Deaconship- the Vice President should, on sound biblical principle have her children in order.

No one blames Obama for the sins of his mother. But if Obama's kids were a wreck it would also be fair game. Because the raising of your kids is your responsibility. --and most women take it more seriously and have been more effective in this regard than Ms. Palin apparently.

So we are not only not impressed- we are disgusted and insulted.
The thought crosses everyone's mind that no one was minding the Hen House. And what does that say about her capability to be an effective Vice President.

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