Monday, September 08, 2008

Reckless and Outrageous Greed Without Bounds; Where's Christie Todd Whitman when you need her.

A Premie and the Water Breaks.

You are in the last tri-mester of your pregnancy. You travel for a meeting five states away. You know you are pregnant with a Down's Syndrome Child. It isn't due for a month. You figure you can go to the meeting

At 4:00-ish am in the morning- Your water breaks a month early.

What do you do?

You check yourself into the nearest hospital and fly your Doctor to see you immediately or you call him and ask him if you are safe for travel to get immediately to your home town hospital for delivery because every woman knows that with a high degree of certainty water breaking preceedes labor. You might think about calling a Priest or your Pastor because if your water breaks a month early- especially with a disabled or Down's child that could be very serious risk or trouble.

That's not what Sara Palin did:

According to a New York Times article today,

she didn't check herself into a hospital-she went to a deal-cutting meeting where she got to get
sized over by John McCain to be his running mate in Texas with Republican Governors having something to do with Oil and Gas -she vied for the Vice Presidency even while leaking amniotic fluid down her leg and people in the meeting were joking "you aren't going to deliver now are you."

WHAT ABSOLUTE RECKLESSNESS. She probably didn't care if her Down's child was still born- in the interest of the country- because no one in their right mind after their water broke would do what she did.

You want someone like that caring for your children or the entire country in crisis? She didn't even care for her own infant's health- who was delivered by emergency C-Section a month early after she made it back to Alaska-to her home town before checking herself into any hospital.

You decide- "tough lady" or just a Jerk.

You decide whether she is a "tough lady" or just a Jerk when hauling her Down's infant from city to city, with different airplane air compression conditions across the country when he is five months old, disrupting his schedule, or passing him off to anyone around to feed, change his diapers and put him to bed.
[see, increased risk of pulmonary edema for Down's child on air travel,]

Running for The Vice Presidency is not a recognized cure for Post-Partum Depression.

And where was her husband during all of this? Apparently sleeping next to her, and awakened by her.
Did he not insist that she get immediately to the hospital- or get home immediately to get to the hospital? Did he say---sure honey, no worries, lets go to an Oil and Gas meeting of Republican Governors in Texas and see whether we can get you on the ticket.

There is something really very sinister about Republicans exploiting her situation to advance a despirate ticket like this.

Good Judgment means more than strategic shrewdness; it's foundational attribute is that it advances the "Good."

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