Thursday, March 25, 2010

Cafeteria Catholics on Life

And the Plight of the Pro-Life Democrat

No one trusts them in either direction-and yet they are emerging as a powerful force in the Democratic Party. Planned Parenthood, it is reported today in Politico is trying to run them out of town. They have launched a targeting attack and are fundraising for their collective defeat. Sara Palin puts on her website a map with gun cross-hairs on them for all democrats who voted for the health care legislation including pro-life ones, and now it is reported that some congresspeople actually are fearing for the safety of their families from vigilante tea-bagging nutjobs. Grossly Irresponsible and Just Gross.

A right-wing-nut Catholic Republican mob wants to declare them non-existent, yet they held the swing votes that put the legislation over the top. Some democrats are ticked off at them that they were such obstructionist hold-outs and excoriated them, particularly Bart Stupak prior to the switch.

What is missing is an intelligent assessment of what "PRO LIFE" really means. What is comprehensively PRO LIFE. Can you be for torturing people to death and be PRO LIFE. Can you watch people who you know could have been medically helped if they had insurance wait too long to get diagnosed and die from cancer at age 40 and be PRO LIFE. Can you want to deny women the option of treating a deformed or diseased newborn because she can't afford the coverage so opts for abortion and be PRO LIFE. Can you be for killing hundreds of thousands or even millions of citizens of a foreign country in a war in the interest of favorable oil trade terms and misguided geopolitical strategy and call yourself PRO LIFE?

How Stupid Are We?
If you think the Abortion issue is the only Pro Life issue in the country, you are a Cafeteria Catholic playing political football on a hot button issue so you can yell like a loon the defamation "baby killer" to anyone who takes positions you think, rightly or wrongly are against your economic interest.

This Republican Game is Over. Tilt Tilt Tilt Tilt. Game Over.

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