Thursday, March 18, 2010

Jesuit Pastor Joins 49,000 Nuns In Supporting Health Care (sort of)

Father Horak, S.J. Urges Parishioners of one of DC's Largest Catholic Parishes to Support Health Care, then says read the Bishop's statement.

Father Horak, prior to being ordained was an attorney. He reads the fine print. He joins the NETWORK, a group of many religious orders of women numbering close to 50,000 (more or less) in supporting the Health Care bill.
Father Horak sent the following email to the Parish listserv:

Some days ago, many parishioners received an e-mail urging them to support the Senate’s health care reform bill. Several of you have since objected that the parish should not be encouraging parishioners to support something that the United States Bishops oppose.
First, as pastor, I take responsibility for everything that is done in the name of the parish, including the e-mail to which some of you have objected.
Second, in hindsight, sending the e-mail was an error in judgment on my part, and I apologize to parishioners. Without trying to justify my decision to send the e-mail, I simply explain that the US Bishops published a final, definitive statement opposing the Senate bill on March 15, after I authorized the e-mail. I would not have authorized the e-mailing if that statement had been available to me before.
To be sure, I am well aware that, although the bishops have long stated that adequate health care is a fundamental right of all persons, the bishops have repeatedly and clearly expressed reservations about the Senate bill and have been urging amendments that would, among other things, offer more explicit protection for the unborn. Nevertheless, what seemed significant to me as I considered whether to authorize the e-mail was that debate on the various proposals has come to an end and a vote is imminent. The choice is no health care reform or the Senate’s health care reform bill. In the absence of a clear statement by the bishops at this critical point in the process, I encouraged parishioners to support the Senate bill.
That good people may disagree with the bishops is irrelevant to me in my position as a pastor of a Roman Catholic parish. My first responsibility is to communicate the Church’s teaching as the bishops understand it and state it. I am confident that you understand the US bishops’ opposition to the Senate health care reform bill even in the present circumstances, and I trust that you will give their teaching due consideration as you form your own conscience in this matter.
For the bishops’ complete statement on this matter, go to their website at and click on the article, “President of US Bishops says…:
Fr. Mark Horak, S.J.

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