Sunday, March 14, 2010

When People In Authority Betray Your Trust

They Can't Stay in Your Authority

This is the conclusion I reached watching Karl Rove on Wolf Blitzer the other day still defend Bush as someone whose only mistake was not defending the world when they said he lied aggressively enough. This is the conclusion the entire country collectively reached in throwing the bums out. Unbelievable. The thing that is so appauling about people hanging on to illusions of power is that they persist in their delusions and lies and have done it so thoroughly for so long that they have convinced not only their power spectrum but themselves. Insane. I for one want Karl Rove to keep talking and hope Eric Holder is recording every statement. His lame "i didn't really leak valerie plame's name" excuse is amazing. Shocking even.

The very esteemed Fr. Tom Reese who is brilliant and spiritually astute beyond anyone's years made the well taken point today that the prodigal father didn't say to the returning contrite son "I will never trust you again, leave my sight now." But the hard part is that the returning son was actually contrite. OK Dad, I probably should have had a better financial plan than to squander it on my own ambitions and pleasure. OK Dad, I probably was wrong when I just took your loot and ran wishing you were dead and giving you such a shock it could have put you in an early grave. Sorry 'bout that, really.

The hard part is when people just carry on as though they were justified in their madness- and all the world has to eat it. In so doing all the world just becomes as mad as the idiot son who took his entire inheritance and blew it on bad wine, worse women and atonal song.

Jesus of course forgave even the folks who had no clue how off the mark they were- that's the point of Forgive them Father, they know not what they do. They are idiots, they don't get how evil they are being here. They actually think they are serving God by doing it all. In the later days, it is written, men will call what is good evil and what is evil good- and believe me, it has already started.

So if anyone has any brilliant ideas on how one truly becomes Christ-like and learns how to forgive the idiots for all the harm they do thinking in the self-righteous perversity that they are correct and even justified, please comment below email me. Because I am still in the "drop-kick them all from here to Egypt" mood.

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