Friday, March 19, 2010

Why Priests

Should Have the Option to Marry- WOMEN.

1. Because they do anyway- in secret, so why lose good priests.
2. Because it will attract more healthy well rounded men with hetero-attractions and family sensibilities, and men with a clue about women's emotional construction.
3. Because Jesus never found healthy heterosexual conjugally consummated marriage (with a woman) a disqualifier to anything, and Peter, the first Pope had a Wife. John the Baptist wasn't appointed a priest of anything.
4. Because nothing about any man's humanness precludes or prevents consecration of the Eucharist- as if Jesus didn't know he made man - male and female and designed them to go together.
5. Because the perversions of theology of body and mind that result from the misinterpretation of holiness to preclude conjugal marriage are hazardous to women who suffer the most insane abuse in silence in the maleocentric church view.
6. Because the lack of healthy heterosexual males in the church means some priests think they get a pass emotionally manipulating and torturing women in serial emotionally adulterous relationships that feed their ambition.
7. Because Priests never were supposed to get a pass on being decently honorable men.
8. Because it will round the church out into something more family friendly and wise than what we now have which is a cringing cover your ears drip by drip disclosure of accounts of insane abuse all over the world now and acts that most decent people find abhorrent.
9. Because Scripture says so.
10. Because 39 Popes were married.
11. Because the human creation in bodily form God gave them is a sin to waste.
12. Because Jesus was probably married to Mary Magdalene and church history rewrote her out in the tradition of general misogyny that has persisted to this day.
13. Because a theology which distorts and perverts sexuality as it has done is cruel and unusual punishment in violation of the US Constitution to priests and women alike.
14. Because the crap done to women in the name of Jesus by men who love real flesh and blood women less than the statue of the Virgin Mary is a scandal.
15. Because I am sick of hearing about church pledge drives and Archbishops Appeals when simultaneously reading about hundreds of millions-no BILLIONS of dollars paid to cover the Asses (literally) of sick priests in the name of Jesus who is throwing up in Heaven. In the words of that American Papist Punk "BARF"

...and a thousand other reasons.

The church needs a new vision. It needs major reform. It is sheer stubborn stupidity to not recognize it. The poor Pope is being castigated and flogged with all this abuse garbage precisely because people all over the world are crying out for major reform.
VATICAN III. Because the Spirit lives, and demands the church cleanse itself.

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