Friday, March 25, 2011


Will Give Her Heck and a Half

Clinton tried to explain the Libya invasion with a bit of good new- NATO now apparently DOES stand for North African Treaty Org- or at least we have convinced NATO to take over partial at least lead of the no fly zone. Any news is good news-and that wasn't even expected to fly.

Then she dodges out of town to go to London to meet with Cameron who will -what-pledge to lead a ground invasion?
Khadaffi can only be taken out with a ground invasion unless we seek to inflict massive air casualties on civilians.
Jane Harmon (Armed Services Cte.) is even ticked off. Not a good place you want to be. Because this no fly zone looks like Fly by the Seat of Your Pants Zone.

A ground invasion is not something that the US can afford to do politically or monetarily.
And yet, being the conscience of the world coming to the rescue of apparently an Arab League who won't step to the plate with ground troops of any kind and just want the US to implode by
the massive ground slaughter to follow is the definition of being Played.

If the Arab League called you in, make the Arab League put the boots on the ground. Not like they don't have a few Komakazi rebel groups they could arm. What-they say they won't fight an Arab nation? So they convince a christian one to self suicide by slaughter?
Tilt Tilt Tilt. Game Over.

...or maybe we are just going to heavily arm the rebels with state of the art armaments- rebel Muslim troops in a Muslim country whom Hamas is recruiting similtaneously and they already might be card carrying members of the 'Brotherhood.' That's a fantastic idea.

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