Appeasement and Accommodationism History 101 for Americans who have not lived outside the US. Lord Chamberlain in Britain was famous for wanting to appease Hitler. Hitler was a charismatic figure who mass mobilized an entire country with his demagogic rhetoric. An entire country fell for him. Hard to believe. He was slaughtering people while people screamed-stop the madman. Many many religious leaders cozied up to him including Bishops in Germany. You can google it yourself- many pictures abound of Cardinals and/or Bishops in the presence of Nazis or Hitler himself and accounts are not hard to find. He co-opted the national religion of the place, making himself the leader of the previous German Lutheran Church much like Queen Elizabeth is currently the leader to give himself moral authority. We know now he was the closest thing to a demon on earth. For a very long time, German Bishops allowed him to continue without calling him to moral account. He controlled everything that paid them. So they kept their mouth shut for the most part -not so some brave priests who did hide Jews and pay for it with their lives. Famous Saints like Maximillian Kolbe, a priest, lost his life giving it for a Jewish fellow inmate in a concentration camp. We see the other appeasers now as people like moral cowards-the spineless, the appeasers, who are in part responsible now for the lost lives for their failure to stop him. If only they spoke out sooner, if only they insisted he be checked sooner. If only...... Khadaffi is a person with a proven track record in murdering innocents and so the threat brandished to do in and under his opposer rebels was taken not as an idol threat given what the international community knew of him. To appease him, Obama apparently calculated, would have allowed by default a mass murder of hundreds of thousands of people that we could have stopped. The French don't have our 'innocent bystander' rule which excuses action when it is deemed none of your business. When they see someone in peril, and have the capability or means to save a life, it is in their moral code to rescue the person. This is what is operating here. Obama I believe history will judge did the right thing in intervening in Libya. Should he have told Congress? Yes. That's another question. Did he need a Declaration of War? Not sure- need more research on that. But what is clear, he thought he had a moral obligation to stop a slaughter and apparently the entire UN and NATO agreed. And no one can accuse him of a False Flag attack pretext to get us to see his reasoning.
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