Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Why Buy Starbucks

When you Can Buy Mystic Monks!

I love this concept. This is a carmelite order who support a monestary in Wyoming by selling coffee. Carmelites are the order that Saint Therese of Lisieux (Normandy, France) was a part of and after which Mother Theresa is named. It comes from Mount Carmel of Elijah fame in the bible.
The concept of 'Benefice' enterprising religious has been around since the middle ages or earlier as old german monks brewed the best beer in the basement. Paul was a tent-maker. Enterprising religious in New York under the direction of an inspiring Priest in the Bronx who originally hailed from Iowa but was on missions in Latin America for a time have created a whole apparel company (reported in their Catholic Standard recently-ask Dolan)-
Commerce has had a bad rap and those 'prosperity preachers' have had their share of slander. If God owns everything in the world, of course he wants his resources directed toward the work of his kingdom so why shouldn't monks engage in commerce and trade and have a website store.
This advert is free- and note to FTC I get nothing but heavenly brownie points for posting (I am also not a 'celebrity' so it's doubtful those FTC rules even apply) but if those Monks wanted to send me some of their Christmas coffee or Rum Coffee Candy I wouldn't complain!! If they wanted to send Father Evelio some free coffee for the Saint Matthews homeless ministry for the hundreds of cold hungry guys in DC I wouldn't complain even louder!!

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