Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Pure in HEART

Not the Pure in PANTS

The reductio ad aburdum diminution of the concept of "Pure in Heart" to mean merely sexual chastity is about the biggest heresy I know operating to pervert Christ's Kingdom on earth and stop his life from flowing through it.
It is also one of the biggest reasons I surmise, for the Protestant revolution and over a hundred years of religious wars in Europe.
What does 'blessed are the pure in heart' mean-what is purity of Heart?
It means much much much more than sexual abstinence. Some people who are 'chaste' are the most vile mean unchristian unholy pieces of work you want to meet- some are even in religious attire (0f both genders.)
Chastity is a path to purity, it is not purity of heart. It is like the sign posts along the way to the gate. The Gate is Love.
Faith, Hope, Love, of these three the greatest of these is Love.
If you have everything in the world and have not Love you are like a clanging cymbal (full of sound and fury signifying nothing, Shakespeare would add.)

Someone who is Pure in Heart is innocent of appropriating evil where it does not exist as it is a reflection and projection of their own muddied heart. Someone who is Pure in Heart is someone who loves with a ferocity that isn't stopped by petty rules or pettier jealousies or slander or people putting them 'in their place." They refuse to be told to 'let it go' and not love . Someone who is pure in Heart lives in the power of the Spirit to Love through hardship, through persecutions, through insult and humiliations. Someone who is Pure in Heart puts the other first, and doesn't kick them to the curb, they Love when it hurts and don't stop- because Love never fails. People with impure heart do.

The Roman Catholic church, unlike any other part of the body of Christ on earth has made an idol of chastity. It has told people that unless you are chaste you cannot even taste the kingdom. This is error. Pure error. Dangerous, harmful, hurtful, deceitful error. It is nowhere said by Jesus, it is not in the Bible, it was not lived by the Apostles who did see Jesus and walk with him, every single day. Error. Wrong. Tilt. Tilt. Error.

The attitude basically fosters an attitude in some that it's OK to be a bastard so long as you are not having sex.

Many higher 'catholic' authorities have yet to do what Christ commanded when he said "GO --and LEARN the meaning of the words- I Desire LOVE not Sacrifice." They have little idea what Love actually means and think 'charity' just means give us money. INSANE.

Let folks starve, so long as you are not having sex and are 'chaste.' Let folks go hungry on the street, so long as you are not having sex and are 'chaste.' Let your family all work for you so you don't have to because you are not having sex and are 'chaste.'
Just ridiculously theological error. Holiness means much much much more than sexual abstinence or the elevated idolatrous 'virtue' of 'chastity.'

It says FAITH, HOPE and LOVE -these three abide (and are the great theological virtues), it does not say FAITH, HOPE and SEXUAL ABSTINENCE.

It's like the church is stuck in an adolescent view of God and spirituality- When adolescent boys are just hitting puberty-they struggle to not succumb to the self-manipulations of masterful perterbations (you know what I mean)- but when they are in Love, really truly in Love, they don't struggle with it at all-they just can't wait until their loved one gets home. The thought of self-manipulations doesn't even tempt them when they have a beautiful wife waiting. The Catholic church is stuck in an adolescent struggle- They don't understand Love, they have not let themselves find it even when it is right there in some cases. They obsess on chastity instead of Love. They obsess on smacking their hands instead of looking at the Love. As between hand-smackers and Pro-Creators, there is more God in the later. Much much much More.

The Holy Family is a FAMILY- it consists of a mother and a child and a father. It is Holy because it is a family not in spite of it. God designed it that way. He could have Jesus as a sprouting pod that grew in a monk's garden, but he did not. He sent Jesus through a woman and only through a woman. Jesus said 'let the little children come to me, for to such belong the kingdom of God.' He did not say- let the old guys who have no children come to me, because Barrenness is a virtue. Barrenness is not a virtue. It is a Curse. The Catholic Church has cursed itself by its heresy. It is part of the end-times confusion where evil is called Good and Good is called Evil.

Timothy 4- don't let ANYONE tell you that Marriage is bad. Timothy 4- and Timothy was a close friend and disciple who travelled with PAUL.
The Church's persecution of women is evil. Mary is rolling over in her clouds.
It stems in large part from the refusal to give married love it's place of honor amongst clergy who have idolotrously elevated celibacy as a virtue over Love.
They believe this persecution of women (even if unto a death of sorts) is thus doing God's work in the world-just as the Pharisees believed they were honoring God by insisting on Jesus being crucified and giving Barabas a free pass. There is no greater life denying life crushing presumptuous sin.

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