Friday, November 26, 2010


or Aromatic?

That is the question. Breathing room against the suffocation of wrong dead doctrine or strife-stirrer, that is the question.

People who view themselves as conservatives tend to have a strong view against
people challenging the orthodox status quo. They think that their way is correct and it is must be the best right way because it always has been that way. Change scares them. Boat rockers are not viewed kindly. People who view themselves as progressives tend to think that we have not hit heaven on earth yet, corruption and evil still pervades in dark places -even high places-and the powers and principalities of the air are still waging an ugly war on earth and have even infected doctrine in parts.
They like game changers and change agents. They don't view them as schismatics but as saints sometimes.

The admonition against those who wage controversy for the sake of ego-stroking controversy does not apply when someone is trying to right an obvious wrong. I may now openly cite as example those who fought the doctrine against any form of contraception to guard against transmission of HIV/AIDS. Counted amongst them are a few prominent outspoken Bishops who won the day in the end (Bishop of Montreal). Anyone with a contrary opinion to an established doctrine is not a 'schismatic' much less a 'heretic.' Some are Bishops.

The Film Amazing Grace tells the story of Wilberforce, a British MP who valiantly for years fought a political battle in Britain, in spite of personal defeats, humiliations and insults and against very powerful monied interests to abolish the slave trade in the British Isles. He saw an evil and gave everything he had to stop it. Heroic. This is a person who was viewed by the orthodoxy as a schismatic because he challenged long established doctrine (that even had a footing in some scriptural references; slaves be submissive to your masters....) that had well heeled monied advocates who depended on this form of social oppression economically.
Oppression never happens unless someone profits economically from it. Those people resist tooth and nail any alteration of their scheming.

There are other Forces of a Wilber nature out there. They are not Schismatics. They may be Saints in disguise. They are persecuted at eternal peril to their persecutors.

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