Saturday, November 13, 2010

Zealous for What Exactly?


If you hear someone called a "zealous" anything, and especially a 'zealous priest' (those beings who are supposed to be the most humble of servants), you might ask yourself Zealous for what exactly. Zealous for the kingdom on earth, Zealous for the truth to be told (the Whole truth and nothing but), Zealous for power, Zealous for prestige, Zealous for influence, zealous for self-promotion, zealous for bigger audiences?

If you are a shepherd, you never slaughter one sheep to feed the flock. You don' t eat the sheep, you guard them from predators.

Jesus, I am sure did not pick Peter because he had a closet full of lace doily dress robes and elaborate embroidery that could put my grandmother's couch pillows to blushing shame, or for the spit shine redness of his shoes. Jesus picked Peter -a solid family guy who was concerned no doubt at his mother's upset that her mother was sick so requested that Jesus come help- because a good provider does that- makes sure everyone is safe and sound and no one is sick in his household. You want a good provider in charge of feeding people- you want someone concerned with the well-being of even the most vulnerable and neglected in the household.

Here are a few things many Catholics don't realize- because it is suppressed in teaching:
Peter was married. His mother-in-law is referred to (Matthew 8:14). His wife accompanied him on at least some of his missionary journeys (1 Corinthians 9:5).

Don't we have "A Right" proclaimed Paul to have our wives travel with us-it is written by the Apostle Paul- a Right that Paul does not avail himself of, but a Right nevertheless.
Wives, some see as essential, others see as baggage. But as the Lord has said that the ONLY suitable 'Helpmate' for a man is a woman (and priests are not a separate gender as much as they like to think themselves such, even if deemed 'eunichs' by self-sacrifice or made sacrifice-they have the same male chromosomes as the schlep selling pizza down the street )-
Thus the ONLY suitable help- "MATE" for a priest, if the bible is to be believed is a wife. A 'Mate" is not a 'Rent-a-Maid.' A "Mate" connotes an equality.
Paul, in speaking not for everyone expressly says it is just his opinion, but not from the Lord, that he wishes everyone were like himself- and thus his singleness has been perverted to mean that it is a higher form of holiness when it is not.

I wish everyone were like myself too- you may disagree. You may like to eat sausage and bacon- I think no one should eat pork. I wish everyone were like me and ate roasted chestnuts off the street-venders in Manhattan- you may think that a bit unsanitary. I wish everyone were like me and road the metro and buses instead of gas guzzling cars-you might like your 20 miles to the gallon gas guzzling mercedes van. Whatever.

A priest is a man. He does not crap goldleaf.
The Greatest of All is the Servant of ALL.

This does not mean that all the single women over 45 get tossed to the winds in favor of catholic schools, or that priests must have families of only men (while simultaneously castigating gays rather oddly.) This does not mean that anything that appears to threaten catholic building funds or budgets should be slaughtered on the altar of false perception and illusions. This does not mean that you may persecute one form of Christian to impose suspect dogma on others.

The Lord is the Giver of All Life. You don't want to be standing in his way too long.

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