Monday, September 04, 2006

UNITED FLIGHT 93-and little green men in Area 51

By: Cynthia L. Butler, Esq.

For years a culture-cult and a lot of merchandising of inflatable green aliens developed around the firm belief that there were slant-eyed aliens in a place in the Nevada desert called "Area 51." People swore that they saw alien spacecraft over the place. Turns out that the CIA had an active disinformation campaign happy to perpetuate that belief because it distracted everyone from the fact that this is where they were testing advanced military drone operated and other aircraft under cover of night so our enemies wouldn't catch on and spy on our technology.
This is apparently where the B52 bomber was secretly tested/developed. But if you talked to the few folks in surrounding "towns"(e.g. the diner by the gas station)- they would swear they saw flying saucers and other such beam-me-up-Scotty amazements with blinking lights at night. The belief generated myths and movies.

The Bush Administration apparently, however, miscalculated in thinking that the tumble-brush whisky soured heat stricken folks of the Nevada desert remotely resemble what was mistakenly assumed to be the cow-tipping bandana-wearing Jamesway-plaid rifle-toting pick-up riders of Central Pennsylvania. They thought they could pull a similar trompe d'oeil on these folks and no one would notice in a place called-for God's sake- Shanksville.

The problem with this assumption is that Central Pennsylvania also boasts historic residents like that famous architect guy who built "Falling Waters," Joe Paterno, various relatives of Eisenhower, a law school at Penn State called Dickenson, a ski resort at Seven Springs and a Lake called Indian Lake, where people inconspiciously retire after making their millions in the market or in Pittsburgh industry, living next door to a famous golfer named Arnold- and a musical prodigy organist who has composed liturgical symphonic operas and arias named Ben Smedburg near Johnstown. Not exactly the desolate dirtbag piney nowheresville they thought they could get away with pulling the wool over. They have that sort of midwestern charm that eschews conspicious oppulence and they like to live in the middle of corn-fields- this apparenly fooled Bush.

The questions that remain about Flight 93 include the obvious- what I call "where are my sunglasses" questions -after my mother who is famous for asking "where are my sunglasses" while they are perched atop her head. The answers are that obvious and point to the inevitable.

1. The jet fuel in the transatlantic flight on Flight 93 was of the same substance and volume as that which apparently melted down all three buildings, two towers of the WTC, but did not scorch the grass around the hole into which it allegedly plummeted in Pennsylvania one iota.

2. The official explanation for the fact that no one could find any plane or body remnants is that it was swallowed in a "liquified" earth because the earth was a reclaimed coal strip mine. That one was amusing to the natives. Is the local gas station also sitting on liquifiable earth? If the earth was a reclaimed strip mine- there would be the same topsoil as surrounding areas over fragments of coal- which gets very hot and would be expected to be searingly hot around a running aircraft engine- but no grass around the perfect hole was even singed and the ground didn't melt anything down- the trees nearby surrounding the hole didn't even burn-and they are made of-you guessed it-wood (unlike the Towers built of steel.)

3. There were remnants of odd items found apparently "charred" as reported by the Mayor of Indian Lake in and/or around the Lake Marina- including letters packed in the hull and body parts which were turned over to the FBI apparently by Marina workers.

4. The Mayor of Shanksville has reported to a German news organization and elsewhere that there was no plane.

5. News accounts widely reported residents of Indian Lake reporting that pieces were falling out of the sky onto their houses and at least one Indian Lake Marina worker thought initially a boat blew up on the Lake.

6. Indian Lake is a 750 acre Lake on a 2,000 acre development. Adjacent to Indian Lake on the Shanksville side is Stoneybrook Creek which is divided from Indian Lake by a sort of dam such that nothing can travel upstream from Stoneybrook Creek into Indian Lake. I know because I spent every summer for years on the lake and I know that these two bodies of water are separated and you cannot waterski from one part to the next because of this dam. You cannot boat into the one from the other because of this dam. I assumed it had something to do with some power generation for the development on the Lake or the Marina. Anyone who has been on the Lake would know that pieces of anything floating on it cannot travel from the Stoneybrook side to the Indian Lake side. The mythmakers have obviously not been on the lake. I am guessing that they were aiming for the lake where the shoot down or explosive missile hit would be more murkily unascertainable than even the "liquified" hole field. What you see in the field is a missile hit.
People have misreported that Indian Lake is only 3 miles from Shanksville because they are measuring from the Stoneybrook creek back exit of the Lake development when in fact the alleged crash site was inbetween Lambertsville and Shanksville- and the Stoneybrook Creek off-shoot of the Lake is closer to Shanksville with Indian Lake actually much further away upstream. Thus the bodies and other material which were found at or around the Indian Lake Marina were not closer than 5 miles away from the crash site and more like 10 miles away from it.
There is NO WAY that bodies and material that crashed to the earth would traverse past the trees lining the field over land and a creek, landing upstream in a lake from a crash site five to ten miles away. NOT POSSIBLE. Thus, the bodies and debris exited the aircraft at some point while it was in the air. (Additional materials both charred and whollly in tact were found another 8 miles away in New Baltimore, PA, also in Sommerset County). Additionally these materials, while wet were "charred" according to the Mayor of Indian Lake- who if you talk to him, is probably a guy who likely never owned a pick up truck, probably never made less than 150,00 his whole life, drives a Mercedes, is a member of the Lions Club, has a great handicap and probably has friends named things like Paterno and Palmer.

Therefore, the conclusion that United Flight 93 disappeared into the Liquified Earth at Shanksville is slightly less credible than the conclusion that little three feet slant-eyed transluscent androgens named "vweezgeezle" eat pancakes with Aunt Jemmima in Area 51.

7. The Lake Bottom:
The bottom of the lake is of a consistency of tarrish thick mud-such that by walking into it you sunk in places to your mid-calves through thick muck. It's almost like a quicksand sort of mud on the bottom. As a kid you artfully jumped into the raft from the dock without touching bottom because you would get stuck sinking into it. You put your waterskis on at the dock because you didn't want them to get stuck in the muck on the bottom.

Have they drained the Lake since the flight went down? Anything traveling at the speed of a jet or pieces thereof into the lake could be stuck embedded at the bottom of the Lake in the mud. Something as large as a whole plane would be noticed going down- except if it was in September after Labor Day not on a weekend when everyone was back to school-a day like September 11, 2001- and might stick up in some places (the center of the Lake is deep but the there are shallow sides and mudbars throughout)- but it may not be noticeable if it was shot to pieces and went deep into the muck of the bottom. That could explain why no one has found the plane or the bodies yet except for the fragments that floated to the top toward the Marina.
Pictures of an explosive mushroom like plume cloud seen over the lake were taken and compared to those over Afghanistan by the locals who believed the plane was shot down in a sonic boom like explosion. If it was blown to obliterated bits it could be in many pieces at the bottom of the lake.

Congress might investigate exactly what has popped to the surface of the Lake over the years.
If the Indian Lake Mayor claims what they found there were only charred remains (while other
uncharred bits appear miles down the road) it suggests one possibility;

United Flight 93 was blown up to bits and is in Indian Lake.



casseia said...

This is a very interesting blog that I will pass around. But I have to say, it reads as abrasively elitist.

Sincere thanks for the information.

Unknown said...

I don't mind the elitist part. I wouldn't like it if my neighborhood was rendered as a cartoon, rather than how it really is.

Has anyone there ever given thought to the possibility that there was no airplane crash or shoot-down? I assume no one ever saw an airplane crash there. What evidence do you have that it is actually in the lake, just circumstantial? Where did the officials get the voice recorder which was found in the middle of the crater a few days after 9/11 ?! Was that retreived from the lake, or just faked?

Thank you for pointing out the absurdity of the government's story.

Unknown said...

I don't mind the elitist part. I wouldn't like it if my neighborhood was rendered as a cartoon, rather than how it really is.

Has anyone there ever given thought to the possibility that there was no airplane crash or shoot-down? I assume no one ever saw an airplane crash there. What evidence do you have that it is actually in the lake, just circumstantial? Where did the officials get the voice recorder which was found in the middle of the crater a few days after 9/11 ?! Was that retreived from the lake, or just faked?

Thank you for pointing out the absurdity of the government's story.

Unknown said...

You might be interested in this article: Impossible to Prove a Falsehood True:
Aircraft Parts as a Clue to their Identity by George Nelson
Colonel, USAF (ret.)