Sunday, July 30, 2006



Follow Peace With All Men, And Holiness, without which no man shall see God.”
Hebrews 12:14. (New Testament Christian Bible.)

Rice has the intellectual subtlety of a Katyusha rocket in understanding the dynamics of Middle Eastern conflict and peace. Ann Coulter, the “Anti-Shipman” was on Fox this week snorting that those doves and the Democrats are as uncomfortable talking scripture as they are in Foreign Policy. She apparently fancies herself more a moral authority than that famous dove, Pope Benedict who has been calling for a cease-fire for weeks. The Republicans are just clueless.

Claire Shipman, on the other hand, understands the power of Imagery in Diplomacy. On the heels of Abu Graib, Guantanamo, “thousands of strategic errors” in Iraq, a completely delusionally deceptively premised invasion, last night we had Rice schmoozing with the Israeli diplomatic corp camping for photos for her autobiography while a building in Lebanon was bombed killing 34 innocent civilians airing all over Al Jazeera. No wonder she was disinvited from Beirut (but she called him first...sure.)

Tom Friedman, a Jewish American journalist and a noted expert in the region and who just returned from Damascus urges that we all stop now. Seriously. Everyone has made their point -the Israelis can bomb to bits anything they like, Hezbollah can crawl from the floorboards and spit back and the US can send collossally inept ineffectual insulting faux diplomats to see if they can find their head up their tails. It can not go anywhere but uglier, more murderous, and potentially more globally catastrophic.

Denial is not a River in Egypt. The Cheney/Bush hawk view that the way you defeat terror is with more over the top violence and shock and awe in your face terror back is clearly wrong. Its self-defeating. Its counterproductive. Its anti-Biblical from a New Testament perspective, its demonstrably not working. Its just baffling that they stick to this strategy. The very definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Clearly we are not going to get any different result transporting the philosophy to this conflict.
It went barely with notice that this week we are sending more troops to Iraq because we are not "winning" there, the insurgents are stronger and more pissed off, 100 Iraqis a day die just inflaming the Arab street while Iran sees what is going on next door and will be damned if they are going to let it encroach on them.

Bush and company have a remarkable ability to deny that there is any natural and obvious repercussion to anything they do, while the rest of the world looks on agast and stunned. They can't connect the dots if a coloring book was put in front of them. They believe what they want to believe- forget the facts and reality the rest of the world lives in.
OBVIOUSLY, the Iraq war has inflamed opposition against Israel and against us everywhere. OBVIOUSLY, our destabilization of Iraq has played into Iranian hands (as the double agent Chalabai plotted all along apparently) strengthening Shiite credibility in the Arab world. OBVIOUSLY ignoring the discontented Syrian element moves to push them into the anti-US camp. Obviously the more bombing of Lebanon goes on, the more it mobilizes moderate and fanatic elements of the Arab street to do everything they can, build every ally they can against us.
OBVIOUSLY, by openly repudiating a cease fire until something “lasting” or “enduring” can be established-assumes that this can ever be established- and is just code for green light for Israel to bomb out Lebanon to their hearts content inviting more Katysha rocket assaults and even longer range missiles on Israel and will serve to invest more and more Hezbollah’s sponsoring countries to engage in the fight and mobilize moderates into the militant camp until we are truly in a nuclear world war without end.

How everyone else in the world can see this while Rice camps for photos and Bush mindwashes Blair and embarrases all of Britain by recruiting it to our goals, is just mind- boggling. It's nothing short of insane.

The nutcase who attacked a Synagogue responding to the Jihad call in Seattle is only the beginning if we continue "staying the course."

The people at the rudder of US Ship Fear here need to propagate violence to mobilize fear to perpetuate war to politically legitimate their illegitimate ignorant selves in power. That is their agenda. It will continue until the day we get rid of them off the public payroll along with their surrogates in Congress. We need to get these people off the public payroll because they do not speak for us, they endanger us. They boldly endanger us. It's high time we all woke up.

Hezbollah is not just a terrorist organization. It is the tip of the Shiite Crescent that loops back to Iran. But, it is not just a state sponsored or proxy terrorist organization that is backed by Syria and Iran. It is effectively an adjunct of the Lebanese military operating openly with the blessings of the Lebanese government and people. The thought that the people would turn on Hezbollah if the destruction was more severe was ill-conceived –like virtually all this Administration’s anti-terror strategy.
Hezbollah is not attacking Lebanon, Israel is -so OBVIOUSLY the Lebanese people blame their attackers, not the entity they perceive is protecting their borders and fighting back.
On Meet-The-Press today the Lebanese Ambassador told Russert that he “respected” Nasrallah, the cleric leader of Hezbollah who openly calls for the destruction/elimination of Israel. He prevaricated a bit noting that it cannot be done militarily alluding to the fact that they think that they can do it politically (if you listened close enough you see that this speaker for Lebanon is of the camp that believes Israel can be eliminated). What is happening now is that the Arab world by storming the UN and playing victim is attempting to mobilize world opinion in their favor charging the Israelis with excessive force and
responses while at the same time the Lebanese know that Hezbollah are using Lebanese civilians as human shields and cover for Hezbollah attacks.
The Lebanese government could insist and demand that the civilians get out of the way of Hezbollah and issue evacuation orders but they are not doing that. They could send the Lebanese Army to retrieve reluctant refugees who claim they have no money or transport just as we could have removed trapped people during the Katrina flooding. The fact that the Lebanese government is not only not chastising Hezbollah or issuing any critical statements, but hiding behind the “we don’t want to provoke civil war” demonstrates that Hezbollah is working with the blessing of the Lebanese government.

Therefore, we now have essentially two countries at war with each other-not just Israel fighting terrorism. Therefore, Israel is going to consider it within their self-defensive right to attack anywhere in Lebanon they believe threats originate. It will not stop so long as each uses the other’s aggression as excuse to perpetuate more aggression against the other. It will downward spiral into a much wider conflict that directly threatens the US.

Dick Cheney’s comple lack of any critical analysis is explainable by the fact that his serious heart ailment and medication has clearly hardered all arteries into his brain depriving it of the oxygen that it needs to function responsibly. Bush and Condi’s delusional myopia can’t be explained by anything other than that double lethal combination of ignorance and arrogance.

Therefore, it is now necessary for the national security of the country for high level former US diplomats, generals, cabinet officials, sitting or former Congress people and experts in the region to organize themselves into a Peace Envoy to visit the region, listen to the Syrians, go to the UN and meet with the representatives there, issue stern recommendations and do what this Administration in its blind misdirected ideological ambition is incapable of doing.

World Peace in this region of the world will not be achieved by letting Rice at it and her visits are a waste of taxpayer money, because she represents an element that believes Peace is only achieved by disarmament through war and bloodshed. It has always been and continues to be a moronic illogical irresponsible predicate for any Foreign Policy.

BREAKING NEWS.......................
CNN is now at 5:15 pm Sunday reporting that the Israelis will stand down for 48 hours to allow civilians to leave Southern Lebanon but reserve the right to reinitiate attack if rockets fly into Israel. We shall see.

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