Monday, July 28, 2008

People In Palacial Rectories Should Not Throw Mud Patties At the Pews

some things to consider on the humana viteae birth control ban logic:

(1) There is much more to love than not having sex.
(2) a woman's emotional equilibrium can be thrown way off by a man for reasons having nothing to do with having sex or not.
(3) a man can emotionally destroy a woman without laying hands (or anything else) on her-so having sex or not -or family planning or not has little to do with emotional destruction practices or not-adultery can be practiced purely emotionally-and often is [and you know who you are].

But it's a nice theory.

In terms of the HIV situation- banning condom use doesn't stop sex. Banning condom use will just spread the virus.
The geenie is out of the bottle.
The Catholic Pastoral credibility gap is widened by the perception that them that can't, preach.

Once again, full circle, the issue of the total lack of married priests who follow the biblical mandate to have families in order as example here undermines the credibiliy of the argument.
It's not family planning if you live with five guys and staff up with post menapausal crews of hysterectomied women. It's family planning if you actually have one of your own (and your mother doesn't count for this purpose.)

When celebacy is elevated above the virtue of marital fidelity in the priesthood, it loses enormous credibility. The Church is hurting for its disobedience to scriptural truths here- because it offers no real example.

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