Thursday, February 24, 2011

Unrighteous Indignations

and the Politics of Humiliation

Rachel Maddow, whom some call Rachel Mad Cow (unkind I know but I put it out there for thought- I don't know anyone calling Leslie Stahl or BabawaWawa anything like that)- is on a long rant- all the time. I appreciated it when It is or was against the Iraq war and deceitful government taking us to war generally for Cheney's oil interested portfolio padding. But the near canonization of late term abortion doctors- are you kidding? Are we out of scripts?

In her Antie Em Send Me Back to Kansas routine she rallied the cries of those feeling
a bit ostracized for what- catering to people who don't realize if you don't want unintended pregnancies you don't have unintended sex? I would expect more from someone who champions women's rights- or is it only gay women's rights. I like to think women can be and are smarter and deserve better than the mutilation of their offspring for the sins of their unbetter halves.

The chanting and cheerleading from the MSNBC crowd of hooplah behind her
applauding the other abortion doctor and Rachel's attempt to create public outrage over an attorney who, heaven forbid, used medical records in a public way in efforts to
stop teen pregnancies or rape is wild and wierd.

Let me give you Rachel a lesson in law, because I actually am a real lawyer. Medical records become public ALL THE TIME in litigation any time anyone makes a claim for a personal injury. Anytime anyone puts forward in a court that they are injured in some fashion causing bodily harm for which they want compensation for the injury to their body medical records are evidenced, they can be subpoenaed, they are reviewed often by experts, they are examined by attorneys, judges and juries and they become part of a public record.

The state and society in general has an interest in stopping underage sex and this is codified in the law in what we call 'statutory rape' statutes which impute a degree of lack of consent to someone underage. In other words, if you are 12 and a 20 year old has sex with you, we say that the 12 year old lacks capacity to make an agreement to have sex because they are too young to know what they are getting into. If a 12 year old then gets pregnant and that 20 year old wants to cover his crime by forcing an abortion on a 12 year old we want the State to have all the tools necessary to prosecute that 20 year old who is in that case guilty of child abuse and molestation.

Rachel- do you even know the message that you are sending with that whooping hollerin
crowd behind you getting so outraged at this Kansas attorney?

I find your indignation most Unrighteous.

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