Monday, January 07, 2013


The Supreme Court will hear argument in March on the Marriage Equality business. And if they come out in disagreement with the Pope will that silence the critics? Will there be more castigating the sodomites in the Judiciary? Scalia will surely vote down any marriage equality legislation-he all but said as much. Roberts did some pro bono work for a gay organization as he testified in his confirmation hearings. Doesn't mean he sympathizes with them but that he could be an independent advocate. Leviticus makes gayness evil. It also makes eating mussels, shrimp, and oysters evil. It also makes mandatory that a woman who assists her husband in fighting off an attacker by grabbing the guy by the cahoonas has to have her hand cut off. If gay is unmariageable, what about someone who defrauded their customers or subcontractors- no marriage for them too? What other evil people (so called) can't be married? What's the difference between one class of sinning folks and another. How about haters- hate is the opposite of God, thus really in a state of sin-the opposite of a state of grace. All haters - no marriage for you. Will the Supreme Court be like Seinfeld's 'soup nazi' on the "No Marriage For You" meme or will they say- hey, we all fall short of the glory of God, so why deny the tax breaks to other sinners? Anyone's guess. You got me there. No clue what they will do. There is one argument that distinguishes it perhaps. Not to get theological, but Gay Marriage is something that would be affirming gay sex which is a behavior and not an immutable character trait like race or gender for equal protection purposes- and clearly not all behaviors are permitted on equality grounds just because someone wants to commit said behaviors. Inquiring Constitutional scholars want to know.

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