Saturday, May 25, 2013

You Will Find An Open Door There

The Eighth Sacrament

     There is none. That was the Pope's message. There are people who wish to control the faith rather than facilitate it.
There are people who want to create an additional Sacrament in addition to the seventh of church custom (not scripturally sound or rooted) but just embedded with the bigotries and prejudice of church practices as they want to practice them.  I would add (the paranoias and litigation risk managements)

   A single mother goes to a church secretary and wants to baptize her child. The secretary acts all haughty and shuns the mother because she is an unwed sinner. The Pope blasts the proverbial church secretary here and says basically- you prefer she send the child back to its maker? This is one example he offers of church people going well outside their mission- WHAT ARE YOU PEOPLE DOING?

  He says there are Seven Sacraments- when you do this you fabricate an eighth. Its insane. And harmful. Stop it.

The church doors should always be open - they should be open for EVERYONE to meet Jesus, to pray, to adore the eucharist.

    You will find an open door there- it's the verse of a song. Its also the new papal policy.
Get use to it.

The Pope uses the metaphor of a Customs Duty desk when you enter a country. In a sense a church is like another country from the world surrounding because its where heaven meets earth in the eucharist and the people of, the citizens of God are gathered. He says don't set up a Customs Duty desk with a Customs officer at the front door of the church.  Don't create an artificial liege system there with tests for entry. Suffer the little children come to me.

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