Thursday, June 21, 2007

Blessed is the Fruit

Of the Womb.

The abortion statistics in this country are truly staggering: roughly 45,000,000 (forty-five million) abortions have occured since Roe, roughly 3-4 million every year. Every two years a population the size of Philadelphia is aborted, every three years a population the size of Los Angeles. Every two years we abort the number of people killed in the Hollocaust over four years.

You know someone who knows someone who had an abortion. You may have had one or encouraged one. You know someone who knows someone who knows the darkest despair that led to self-mutilating surgical strike destruction and shedding of blood. You know someone who knows someone who didn't jump with elation when they found out they were pregnant, they drank a bottle of something until they passed out. You know someone who knows someone whose man walked out on them, maybe not after slapping them around but maybe after slutifying their dignity-insulting them, calling them something nasty, insisting they "get rid of it". You know someone who knows someone who told them that they were stupid to get pregnant in the first place and should have a better job first or should be paying off their car loan before they were so stupid as to be pregnant. You know someone who knows someone who decided that they needed a mortgage on a house before they wanted a kid so they "got rid of" their first one before they saw the light of day. You know someone who knows someone who thought their parents would not pay for college if they got pregnant, or who thought that they could not have a kid and be in school at the same time so they chose school. Maybe someone even bribed them- stay in school and "get rid of" the problem and we will pay you, and buy you a car!
Because they value cars, houses, neighborhoods, status, jobs, education and money more than babies-human life. And they were not a little afraid.

This is not the only reason of course why people would have abortions, they may have them because they fear that the child is so horribly deformed that it would be an act of mercy to kill it off, but that is the rare exception. Usually when people kill their pregnancies they don't bury their dead. Some abortions are done to protect the life of the mother in very dire situations where there is cancer or severest stroke threatening gestational hypertension situations, but that is also extremely rare. By far the majority of abortions that are done are purely "elective" surgical strikes.

Mother Teresa said that the greatest terror was done in the womb (I'm paraphrasing.)

Most of it is honestly done with the same callous indifference to life as the suicide nut-jobs who strap explosives to their waists. Only it is done by an army of millions of unconscious women at the bidding of their unconscious partners who -forgive them Lord- don't know what the hell they are doing. Literally.

A national platform that insists on women's right to be unconscious is doomed to fail.
That is why it is singularly insane for the Democratic party to year after year after year insist that campaigns should revolve around standing on the right to be unconscious and demeaned. There is no constitutional right to choose abuse and abortion abuses both mother and child. There is no constitutional right to self-mutilation-even when you want to do it "in private."
I am a lawyer- I looked.

There was a time in "civilization" in Latin America where on the mounds of Peruvian and Guatemalan tiered temples prior to the age of the conquistadores where people religiously practiced human sacrifice- where all the people gathered to watch the priest carve out with a machete the hearts of virgins and throw them bleeding off the edge of the temple. This was considered appropriate and necessary sacrifice to the Gods. It was culturally embedded in the consciousness of everyone in the culture and to think it was not appropriate would have been unthinkable. Of course they were not sacrificing to the One true God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, but a demonic idol that they worshipped.
Currently we consider it appropriate and necessary sacrifice to the idols to rip beating hearts out of our bodies and throwing them over the edge. There is no difference. God is the creator of all life. There is no life that he creates that is a mistake. We are sacrificing to demon idols.

Our Lady of Guadeloupe appeared to a converted native Juan Diego in what is now Mexico.
She is for that reason the Patron Saint, Blessed Mother of all the Americas.

I call her the Blessed Mother of Consciousness.

She's not trying to win any elections. She's trying to get you up out of bed in the morning. Today is a new morning.

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